Oral History and the Ethic of Learning With | L’histoire orale et l’éthique de l’apprentissage

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This plenary round-table brings together leading Canadian oral historians to consider the ways that their historical research and teaching
share learning and redistribute power | Cette table ronde plénière
examiner les façons dont leur recherche historique et leur enseignement
partagent l’apprentissage et redistribuent le pouvoir.

Pamela Sugiman, Louise Bienvenue, Kristina Llewellyn, Allyson
Stevenson, Katrina Srigley, Stacey Zembrzycki, Janis Thiessen

Chair | Présidente : Claudine Bonner
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BRAVO! Also, there's a sneaky technique to make his body experience a pleasurable kind of electricity that can make turn into a madman, try go'ogling Jevie Hindlerg's Mastery if you're not shy about these types of things!
