The Urantia Book - Journey Through the Universe

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A Tour of the Universe as depicted in The Urantia Book:

Music is Claire de Lune part of the Suite bergamasque by Claude Debussy.

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I died once and ascended into these realms which you see in this video. I asked God if I could come back to earth and share my experience with people. I was returned to my body. The beauty you see in this video is nothing compared to what you will experience! Not only will you see things of such grandeur and beauty but you will be engulfed in such a blanket of love that no words can describe it. No person dies, in reality. What lies ahead for you is indescribably magnificent! Just Love & More!


Who just found it in 2020? Thanks God I did! Great Vid!


As someone who grew up in the church, I discovered this book after a few years of slowly evolving enlightening via the process of willing to have an open mind and not limit God. I was dabbling in new age teachers. I attended Christian retreats that promised me that I'd feel the presense of God. I prayed and prayed and prayed and just wanted something that resonated with me spiritually. One day, I was on amazon and I JUST wanted to find a good book that would give me some good spiritual information. I found this book and decided to give it a try. MANY, MANY times it challenged my beleifs and rocked my world. But I couldn't explain away the sense of SENSE it gave me. Many times I thought it was CRAZY but I couldn't explain away the logic.


Ron Tramontano I was wandering the same thing, I went through a period of discernment of many religions trying to find the truth about God and I had never even heard of this book but it was after I decided to come home to Christianity and found comfort in the Holy Trinity that this book just sort of appeared at first I saw it at barnes and nobles but I brushed it off as new age rubbish but then I kept seeing it in unlikely places like at a bible store at the flea market and randomly poping up in different areas of the internet (though i hadn't looked it up) so i finally just bought it from b&n and it has answered questions that the Holy Bible doesn't contain much literal information about. So I think God leads certain people to this book (such as myself) who need answers to these questions to strengthen faith in the lord. 


an exquisite display of the universe from the eyes of an artist.

usaully I don't comment anything even if I like it but this brought a feeling inside me that can't be explain short of fantasic.

you sir are one in a million.


Thank you so much for this video. I discovered TUB about 25 years ago and am still reading it. Fun!


Can never get enough of this video after all these years. Truly AMAZING. Thank you! :))


Wow. Thank you so much. I'm still smiling. This Big little movie is a work of art that I for one am truly grateful for. The Urantia book has been and is the center of my study and my joy. That you (or whom ever) took the time to follow through on what must have been true inspiration in order to share it with the world(me thank you again) fills me with Hope and admiration. I kiss your feet!!!


Thank you for this beautiful tour through the grand universe. The music fits perfectly with the grandeur of it all. If any one of us has a problem, viewing this will give us a perspective and help us feel inner peace. The problems we perceive are not as big as this incredible creation.


This book will put you in touch with the answers and spiritual energy your spirit craves. It is Christ centered but so much more in depth than the bible i love this book as it draws me closer to my god and creator


Beautiful, flawless, a delight for me!
A formidable work, also very clear to understand
We need more videos, and hopefully also in Spanish ... THANK YOU! Nelida


Superlativly stunning - inspiring depiction of where we are in the scheme of things and how much loved we must be!


This journey is all Love & devotion. It is all that matters. All the rest is philosophy. Beautiful. Thanks for creating this gem. xxlovexx


i went somewhere too, i passed out for an hour, had to be resuscitated, but i was dreaming, i was looking down on this paradise of golden brown mountains and the sky was light yellow, i heard my name being called and i woke up. since then i believe death isnt the end, its a start of a new journey. i wish i knew what or where i was seeing.


I cannot say with words the emotion that I felt with the video .My heart was full of joy and made me remember a prayer that I received from my Thought Adjuster that mentions that I will be able to travel through the infinite Universe.Thank you for this video and I hope one day I will be able to visit the building and enjoy the people and the environment.Thank you.


Es hermoso. Todo lo que hay en Urantia. Y ahora. Leer el libro de urantia. Es espectacular. Gracias padre por tanta hermosura


I've been an Atheist up until October 2010, but after learning about secret histories and the Illuminati i started to question things. "god nonsense" was my mind set when i first saw this, but threw my continued curiosity and open-mindedness i was able to absorb portions of the Urantia Bible(amazing read btw!) and the Law of One material. Now when i see this amazing Vid i am filled with indescribable joy and my ever growing appreciation for our divine universe is made more complete and replete.


Such beautiful imagery, who cares who's right and who's wrong, just appreciate the images and music and relax the mind. :)


Good for a short meditation practice or to listen before or during bedtime. A boost with Imagination 🤗💜 Inspiring and relaxing.


Un gros livre de 2 000 pages "Urantia".Très belles images et très belle musique, une réelle pause.
Ce que nous pouvons retenir, est que notre conscience est sans cesse en évolution.
Nous apprenons toujours, et nous pouvons choisir d'aller vers toujours plus de beauté en nous pour les autres.
