A simulation of 2D rising warm bubble with a nodal DGM

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A simulation of 2D rising warm bubble with a nodal discontinuous Galerkin method.

This simulation is performed by a nonhydrostatic atmospheric model with nodal DGM using a FE library [1]. In the animation, the tone and contour represent the disturbance field of potential temperature, and the vectors represent wind fields.

* We follows the setup of Robert smooth bubble described in section 3.2 in Giraldo and Restelli (2008)[3], although the numerical experiment is originally presented in Robert (1993) [2] .
* The numerical setting is as follows:
* spatial resolution
* NeX=20, NeZ=30, p=10 (LGL nodes)
* 32th-order exponential filter is applied for all modes and the factor of filter strength, α, is 12.0; for example, the highest mode is dumped by exp(-α) .
* dt=0.001 [sec] (with SSP 3rd order RK scheme)

* References
[2] A. Robert, Bubble convection experiments with a semi-implicit formulation of the Euler equations, Journal of the Atmospheric
Sciences 50 (1993) 1865–1873.
[3] Giraldo, F. X., & Restelli, M. (2008). A study of spectral element and discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Navier–Stokes equations in nonhydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric modeling: Equation sets and test cases. Journal of Computational Physics, 227(8), 3849-3877.
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