What Is The Spirit of Prophecy? SDA Church Debunked

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The Seventh Day Adventist Church believes that the writings of Ellen G. White are spoken of in Revelation 19:10 and described there as the Spirit of Prophecy. The believe in the bible and the “Spirit of Prophecy”. In order to join the Seventh Day Adventist Church and be baptised, you need to affirm that you believe in the writings of Ellen White and the Spirit of Prophecy. It’s a crazy false teaching. It’s blasphemy really because the Spirit of Prophecy is the testimony of Jesus, who he is and what he did, and it’s got nothing to do with the writings of Ellen White. They are trying to take the spot light off of Christ and put it on their false prophet and false teacher Ellen White.
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Cults always love to insert themselves into bible prophecy. I call that the spirit of error.


Good stuff bro. One correction—they don’t believe her writings are inerrant. Because they also don’t believe the Bible is inerrant. Lots are shocked to hear this. They believe both are infallible, but not inerrant.


Thank you for doing this video may God use this channel to remove the spiritual blindness of those caught up in EGW delusions


2 Peter 1:20 "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." Revelation 1:3
"Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand."1 Corinthians 1:4-6
"I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ;
That in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge; Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you:"Hebrews 3:5
"And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after;"Revelation 1:9
"I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.". . . .


Revelation 19:10, which says:
“For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

Biblical Meaning:
•The verse emphasizes that the true spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus, meaning that all genuine prophecy points to Christ, His work, and His message. It highlights that Jesus is the focus of true prophetic revelation, and the role of prophecy is to bear witness to Him.

SDA & Ellen G. White’s Interpretation:
•The Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) church interprets this verse as a validation of Ellen G. White’s role as a prophet, claiming that her writings are a fulfillment of the “spirit of prophecy” mentioned in Revelation 19:10.
•They often twist this scripture to suggest that their church has the exclusive possession of this “spirit of prophecy” through Ellen G. White’s ministry, thereby elevating her writings to a quasi-scriptural status.

•Biblical View: The “spirit of prophecy” is focused solely on testifying about Jesus, and all prophecy must align with the message of Christ as the central figure of redemption.
•SDA Twist the meaning: They reinterpret the “spirit of prophecy” as affirming the prophetic office of Ellen G. White, which misplaces the focus from Jesus to a human prophet, contradicting the true meaning of the passage.


Even before I left adventism, I couldn't call Aunty Ellie the spirit of prophesy.


Greetings Caleb,
Watched your presentation about SDA and the Spirit of Prophecy. It
was very well thought out. You may not be aware, however, that you are correct from an Adventist POV. Virtually everything I have ever read, with few exceptions, from Ellen White, has led me to Christ. Every time I read her books, I get a deeper sense of the great sacrifice He made for us and what Christ has done for me personally. It's definitely not about her. So, agreeing with your presentation that the "testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy" I conclude from my personal experience that the writings of Ellen G. White are also the Spirit of Prophecy. Please take the time to read her book "The Desire of Ages" which is solely about Christ. You will be absolutely blessed that you did. Sorry this is so long, Caleb. God bless you in your journey for truth!


Matthew 7-15 wolves in sheeps clothing


Not SDA, but im in total agreement with them on the Sabbath Day.

I do not care for the way SDA reference Ellen G White's books during sermons. In the same way, some don't care for it when they hear a baptist quote Charles Spurgeon, CS Lewis, AW Tozer, Ravi Zachariah, etc.


Dear Bro. Caleb, Revelation 19:10, which says: “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”, it simply means "Jesus' testimony and not ours or disciples' testimony of Jesus in this passage". Let me put it in a very simple way.

Prophecy is basically "a prediction of what will happen in the future" and the Holy Spirit is the one who gives us gift of prophecy (1 Cor. 12:10 - to another prophecy). Jesus told, "John the Baptize was the last prophet to prophesied end time events (Matt. 11:13 - For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John) and Heb. 1:1-2 "God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken (end times events) to us by His Son". Jesus told John in Rev. 1:19, to write " Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this (end time events)."

Finally, Jesus Himself say in Rev. 22:16, " “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify (this is the testimony of Jesus) to you these things in the churches." Therefore, the testimony of Jesus is referring to Jesus' prophecies of end time events which John wrote.

Forget about Ellen White, (and SDA cult), Question: Is there prophets today?

Ans. YES, but only for the edification of the church and NOT prophesying end time events which Jesus had already prophesied. So, if now a days any prophet does it, they are considered to be a false prophet. Eph. 4:11-13 clearly says, - "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ"

Conclusion: Jesus had already TESTIFIED all end times events in the Book of Revelation as His personal testimony, so we only need prophets with the "spirit of prophecy" for the edification of body of Christ for admonishing, warning, directing, encouraging, interceding, teaching, and counseling.

God Bless.


Let's actually think Biblically for second here, in the context of Revelation 19:10 John fell at his feet to worship an angel who is... LITERALLY PROPHESYING to him, the angel says not to worship him because he's a fellow servant. Then the angel says he has the "Testimony of Jesus" AFTER telling John a PROPHECY. Then the angel defines "the testimony of Jesus" to mean "spirit of prophecy".

In the context of Rev 19:10 the "testimony of Jesus" means giving prophecies. Caleb defines "testimony of Jesus" to mean the life of Jesus which is not how the context of Rev 19:10 defines it. I find it interesting that he has to redefine context in order to disprove the SDA. But check this out, there were PROPHECIES of Jesus in the Old Testament. And the PROPHECIES spoke of Jesus's life and death... which is the TESTIMONY OF JESUS...

REV 12:17

"And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring(remnant), who keep the COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND HAVE THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST"

The dragon is enraged with the remnant of the woman, Adventist is 0.6% of protestants and is a hated sect
Who keep the commandments of God, Adventist keep the commandments of God
Have the testimony of Jesus Christ which means "spirit of prophecy" Adventist had EGW who told prophecies, but the SDA church as a whole have an emphasis on prophecies

Guys, think about this from an Adventist perspective for 20 SECONDS, videos like these STRENGTHEN my faith. It makes me excited, I feel fortunate to belong to the Church of Revelation 12:17. The more hate Adventist receive, the more validation I see in our prophecies and in Revelation. Ellen White said we would be pushed to the forefront, our small insignificant denomination. The dragon who represents Satan will make war with the people who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Christ. Satan doesn't need to make war with those who disobey God.

Btw Caleb also said Rev 12:17 was not in the Bible


It's like the Mormons whose "authority" is their book and the Bible. Same principle...


Revelation 19:10 NIV says, "At this I fell at his [the angel's] feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."

Now if "the testimony of Jesus" is the gospel --not Ellen G. White's writings -- then to be consistent with the text we have to say that the gospel is "the spirit of prophecy."

But I personally would not want to be put into the position of confessing that Ellen G. White is "the gospel." That would be more than heresy. That would be blasphemy.

So if "the testimony of Jesus" is the unadulterated gospel -- "believe and be saved" -- then it has to be the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit is the one who came after Jesus ascended into heaven.

Every Christian does have, and will give, a testimony of his Savior Jesus Christ. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the very essence, the very spirit, of prophecy. Giving this testimony is the true believer's honor and privilege!

And this is my testimony... *The True Spirit of Prophecy is not dead, is not a dead woman, but is the very much alive Holy Spirit of God*

For He Alone is Worthy!


Caleb, in case you're unaware, I just read that the Advent Defense League has not only extended a general invitation to SDA critics to cone by for a real-time friendly discussion of theology, but they mentioned several names explicitly, and you are one of them, along with such as James Baber, Myles, Logan, etc. None so far has accepted. Will you be the one?


My brother you are doing a good job. It would be helpful if you contact Colleen and Richard Tinker. It would be nice to have them sit in with Fitzroy. They were workers with my late friend Dale Ratzlaff. I can put you in touch with them they helped me in Jamaica.


If that was not adding to the Word of God by the Adventist Pharisee, nothing is.


The brethren that have the testimony of Jesus in Rev 19:10 are ‘your brethren the prophets’ Rev 22:9. So here also the testimony of Jesus is what Jesus reveals to the prophets. I agree that depending on the context ‘the testimony of Jesus’ can also mean the testimony so gives about Jesus.


The Seventh Day Adventist made me love reading the Bible but the Bible made me not to accept Seventh Day Adventist teachings and fellowship with their church.


2000 visions in her life time, sounds like some one from Arabia, fit only for total, absolute rejection


God will and does work through any one through the centuries
You can give or take E.G White writings
No Cult
Scripture is enough!
By Faith not Proof
