COP26 Glasgow: Everything You Want to Know About the Arctic Cryosphere But Were Afraid to Ask

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I have loads and loads of videos that I will be uploading on my video channel over the next little while from my work and travels in Glasgow, Scotland.

In the meantime, if you search the COP26 conference website for side event press conferences in the room Dundle Door for the NGO ICSD (The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development), then you will find the raw video footage filmed and recorded by the COP26 official media people.

I will post the entire series of presentation titles and links to the raw footage when I get a chance.

At the COP, in the Blue Zone, my favourite place to hang out has been in the Cryosphere Section.

Here is a video I filmed in the last hour or so in the Cryosphere Section covering many aspects of the Arctic Cryosphere like sea ice decline, mountain glaciers, permafrost, etc…

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I have loads and loads of videos that I will be uploading on my video channel over the next little while from my work and travels in Glasgow, Scotland.

They won’t all be in chronological order. I have been doing almost daily press conferences mostly with CEF (The Climate Emergency Forum), and some with Facing Future (, and most of these videos will be released over time by these respective organizations once they have been edited.

In the meantime, if you search the COP26 conference website for side event press conferences in the room Dundle Door for the NGO ICSD (The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development), then you will find the raw video footage filmed and recorded by the COP26 official media people.

I will post the entire series of presentation titles and links to the raw footage when I get a chance.

At the COP, in the Blue Zone, my favourite place to hang out has been in the Cryosphere Section.

Here is a video I filmed in the last hour or so in the Cryosphere Section covering many aspects of the Arctic Cryosphere like sea ice decline, mountain glaciers, permafrost, etc…


She such an optimist, by year 3000, we're long gone. 7 billion humans cannot stop burning fossil fuel for energy. We can't even quit coal.


Quote..."This is only something large governments can do".. I disagree, I don't think governments can or will take these measures in the context of capitalism and imperialism...Only mass movements of average citizens can change these suicidal systems...Western governments do not represent the interests of it's citizens, they only represent the interests of their donors..The donors (corporate) interests are opposed to change and are in opposition to the populations interests...A+B=C As in catastrophe....


Food and water shortages occurring now! Net zero 2050, what a joke.


King tide in Vancouver was the highest it has been since 2018. This is an testament of what a normal tide will become. Our sea wall was breached.


She keeps talking about economic feasibility. What is that? Do they say sorry we have to balance the books so therefore we have to give up on a liveable planet. It sounds ridiculous.


When my council and state government refuse to plan for this, I need all the data possible to move the discussion forward. Your assistance is greatly appreciated


I’m no scientist. But I feel like loss of habitat (human habitat as well)will precede any of these sea level rises.Once the ice is gone, things will change even more rapidly and bake


Thanks Paul. Did you know there's a direct correlation between your videos and my insomnia? ;-) Hope you are at least having some fun despite the data.


Would be great to hear your thoughts after all the dust has settled after the conference. What are the major takeaways from this conference? Did something surprise you? Do you feel like the World leaders will take more drastic action or still just wait for something to go even more wrong?


Again more hopium-laced bollox. I'm sick of them toting the 1.5degC ''goal post''. We're way beyond that, factored-in - BAU or not.


Paul you've done a good job of covering this material yourself many times lol


Really interesting about the permafrost continuing to emit for a couple of centuries.


3000 ?? try 50 years . the BOE will heat that cool water 24/7 . that's not good !! I will miss Food & Water so much.


Please: could the last in the building turn off the light? ❤️


You went to the greenwashing festival?? Hope you had a good time.


Paul, as you know, I'm fully on board with your own sentiment concerning climate change and global warming. To the extent that I fear we'll achieve sea level rise closer to 7m by 2070, in line with your 'back-of-the-envelope" estimation from some years back.
A communication criticism of the presenters shown here though is that they do not explain the graphs and diagrams that they are talking about sufficiently for the majority of lay viewers.
I don't have a problem with this being a physics teacher, but the majority that look at these slides would struggle to see and understand the graphical axes and how they relate to the graphs and information contained, let alone absorb there import.
As you know, gathering the data is but one step in remedying this problem. Communication to the populace and policy makers is another. Strategy, implementation and review is the third.
Michael Barrett


Still waiting on the presentation that projects "WASF" on to the big screen while the presenter walks out to the pub.


Was there any talk about Meer reflection?


It's going to be far worse than anyone is saying, for far longer than anyone can imagine.
