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⛧ La invocación es un método de conexión con la fuerza de Satán a través de la asociación interna. Esto puede hacerse mediante cánticos, oraciones o meditación. Es importante que te concentres en tu tarea y no te cuestiones por el camino si te está funcionando o no; lo que importa es que estás expresando tu deseo al universo, y a Satán. Debes ser genuino con tu intención, y honesto y fiel a tu propósito original, sin las limitaciones de las distracciones tanto internas como externas, y así tendrás resultados.

Abajo, hay una que he creado, como ejemplo. Deberías intentar crear tu propia invocación personal en tu ritual, algo que sea simple y efectivo. No proporcionaré este material en mi sitio porque siento que un pacto es algo personal que debe ser creado por uno mismo, no algo que se copia de una fuente. Cuando se hace de esta manera tendrá más significado para ti.

Invoco tu nombre, Satanás, el Señor de esta Tierra, el Dios del Abismo. Invoco a Satanás para que esté aquí en este espacio sagrado esta noche conmigo para presenciar la firma de este pacto.

Después de encender tus velas y tomarte un momento para rodearte de propósito y energía a través del enfoque por invocación, es hora de escribir tu pacto. Utilizando como guía tu ejercicio de escritura anterior, escribe con claridad y decisión lo que quieres, cómo lo quieres, cuándo lo quieres y por qué. Debes ser detallado y sincero con tu escritura.

Ahora, después de haber escrito tus condiciones, firmarás el pacto. Puedes firmarlo con tu tinta, o algunos pueden hacerlo, tomar la opción de firmar este pacto con sangre. La elección es tuya, pero firmar el pacto es lo que necesitas para hacerlo real y verdadero, y definitivo. El pacto se crea y así se hace. Puedes guardar tu pacto en un lugar seguro o quemarlo. Yo quemé mi pacto después, disolviéndolo en fuego y dejando que los elementos lo consumieran devolviéndolo a la tierra.

The invocation is a method of connection with the force of Satan through the internal association. This can be done through chants, prayers, or meditation. It is important that you concentrate on your task and do not wonder along the way if it is working for you or not; what matters is that you are expressing your desire to the universe, and to Satan. You must be genuine with your intention, and honest and true to your original purpose, unconstrained by both internal and external distractions, and you will have results.

Below is one I've created, as an example. You should try to create your own personal invocation in your ritual, something that is simple and effective. I will not provide this material on my site because I feel that a covenant is something personal that should be created by oneself, not something that is copied from a source. When done this way it will have more meaning to you.

I invoke your name, Satan, the Lord of this Earth, the God of the Abyss. I call on Satan to be here in this sacred space tonight with me to witness the signing of this covenant.

After lighting your candles and taking a moment to surround yourself with purpose and energy through the invocation approach, it's time to write your covenant. Using your previous writing exercise as a guide, write clearly and decisively what you want, how you want it, when you want it, and why. You must be detailed and sincere with your writing.

Now, after you have written your conditions, you will sign the pact. You can sign it with your ink, or some may, take the option of signing this pact with blood. The choice is yours, but signing the pact is what you need to make it real and true and final. The pact is created and so it is done. You can keep your pact in a safe place or burn it. I burned my pact afterwards, dissolving it in fire and letting the elements consume it back to the earth.


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Congratulations on your 2000 subscribers, many successes, always forward.

*felicitaciones por tus 2000 suscriptores, muchos éxitos, siempre adelante.*


O Great and mighty Ahriman keeper of the dark, we offer our gratitude for the many gifts bestowed upon your followers, we gladly partake of the blood of the young as a means of taking their spirits within us and expanding our understanding of the Cosmos, We enter the ritual of the blood, salt and the water to show our devotion and love.
We renounce the false doctrine of Jesus and his evil teachings. We beseech you to show these mistaken and misled Christians the path to spiritual enlightenment and the joys of life. We celebrate the Sabbats in your honor, Blessed be.


Ok so this is this the one you spoke about remember i did bury my request in the grou d but i didnt make it a covenant so i did it over last night i burned it and just put it in ground now werenyou doing ritiual during this soundscape because it sure is intriging i follow you brother and thanks for your time and magic ❤❤❤


Hii, what is covenant mentioned in this video description?


Muchas gracias, genial información agregada


I didnt have any previous writing experience, so how to write this pact, can you explain?


So, what should we give to satan for exchange of this pact ?


I have a civil services exam to pass, can i ask satan to get me pass in that exam and get my desired job ?
