Watch This Before Becoming a Physicist (Salary, Jobs, Education)

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Physicists study the interaction of matter and energy and how to apply that knowledge to solve scientific and technological problems. They investigate the universe to come up with new theories that explain how time, matter and other concepts of the physical world came to be.

Physicists work in research and academic roles. The position involves office duties, but many physicists also work in laboratories for private and public organizations. Most research-related physicist roles require at least a postgraduate degree, and some employers need candidates with a Ph.D.

Physicists fall into three categories:

Theoretical physicists: They create theories and models to explain the behavior of specific aspects of the world.
Experimental physicists: They test physics theories and models to verify their claims and recommend improvements.
Applied physicists: They apply the findings of physicists to solve problems in technology, science and society.
These three roles frequently overlap, so physicists who specialize in one branch often have experience in the other two.

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I believe as a teen looking up to people's like Stephan Hawking, neildegrasse Tyson it's not about salery but what can you learn and what you pass down to future generations. And help make the Human species more advanced


It's not about salary, it's a passion


I got an undergraduate degree in physics and then got a Masters degree in computer science and had a very rewarding career.


As a graduate student in physics there are many opportunities to have grad school paid for. The majority of grad students have tuition paid for as well as receive a stipend around 40k for doing research with the school.


Physicist don't think about job and salary he is a honest scientist his brain always in the any part of universe!


I was studying electronics, but my love for physics did not end. I changed my major to physics


There are many perks to being a physicist, but I'll pass. Attaining the prerequisite education just isn't feasible for me. And with the volatility of the world in recent years, I'd rather not accrue a mountain of debt and spend 6-8 years in school just to get started.


As an Undergrad, take the Upper Division Lab electives, even if you are a Theory Geek. The hands-on experience is invaluable regardless of one's career objectives.


Up and coming grad student in physics here. Can maybe throw in my two cents. It’s not for everybody. You spend a lot of time just learning the basics (pretty much all of undergrad). Than in grad school it gets more specialized. Physics grad students don’t actually need to pay for grad school most of the time. Because they are either doing research for the school or are helping teach classes. So they get their tuition waved or can be paid 30-40k a year while earning their degree. The school would be paying you to go which is a nice change. This is only true for PhD programs. For masters it can be different. For those who don’t know. You go from undergrad to being a PhD student. You don’t do undergrad masters than PhD. Although you do attain your masters on your way to your PhD. The market after you completed your PhD is competitive. You will have a place to work, but it won’t be where you want. There are trade offs with every job, field, and specialization. Whether you are theoretical or experimental can make a huge difference. Theoretical is usually more competitive. Because you need to be good with the numbers. While experimental is more forgiving however it eliminates some of the freedom allowed for your own questions. Instead your answering someone else’s questions instead of coming up with your own. That’s how it goes though.


I did my Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering at UConn and found this quite insightful. I am applying to Physics MS programs and happened to stumble upon this video, glad i did! Also, the presentation and editing made this engaging for me, just wanted to share! thank you


All the future physicist lets start our new era, offering opportunity and encourage youth for physics and also offering high paid job


Ok I feel rather guilty but still I wanna make a's alright if people who see this comment demean me or mock me still let's be honest I'm a physics undergrad and honestly I loved this subject but after watching and listening to do many people I realised money is not what physicist make and coming from a very very middle class background I wanna change the way my past generation lived...or to say money is more important so is it okay if I switch to data science it doesn't matter how hard the transition is...just I wanna ask if it's okay... and anyone can feel free to share their opinions just don't get me wrong I don't wanna blame myself for the rest of my life for taking a wrong decision 🙏


its about understanding nature. A physicist in a village make below poverty line living life in peace if better off than one in tokyo.


The only issue here it's that in the USA it seems to be pretty good but in my example Europe just keep dropping physicists salaries and that's pretty annoying being paid less than an economist


This video was quite an eye-opener... Thank you so much :D


I want a job i absolutely love but that also has an amazing salary since everything you see onna daily basis is somewhat related to money, money allows you to continue your not free life trial.


I want to become a Theoretical Physicist and add low-risk investments strategies and build wealth in the long term with low time consumption so that i can focus on my research, becoming a multimillionaire at age 63 ....😊 And contribute a lot to my field ❤


I love physics and am passionate about it in my university I was given admission to microbiology which was a bummer but I hope I will teach my self physics


I have a Bachelors in Physiology. I work as a Cardiac Physiologist/ sonographer. I am strongly considering going to grad school to study Physics because I love imaging(ultrasound, CT, MRI). I am still asking myself if it would worth it. I have more strong biology background. Plus, would I fit in into the actual physics world? Medical Physics precisely.


Most Physics MS/PhD programs are provided with full rides since they are so valuable to industry. Care there are dangerous reasons why physics PhDs are free.
