HAJJ Greeting Card Tutorial: Pop-Up Masjid Design for Eid ul Adha | Adeela Art and Craft

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Welcome to Adeela Art and Craft! In this tutorial, we'll guide you step-by-step on creating a stunning HAJJ greeting card for Eid ul Adha. Learn how to make a beautiful pop-up card featuring a detailed masjid design. Follow along with our easy-to-follow instructions and create a heartfelt handmade card to greet your loved ones during this auspicious occasion. Let's dive into the world of crafts and unleash your creativity!

HAJJ greeting card, Eid ul Adha crafts, pop-up card tutorial, masjid design, handmade card, Adeela Art and Craft, craft ideas for Eid, DIY greeting card, creative crafts, paper crafts

#HAJJGreetingCard #EidulAdhaCrafts #PopUpCardTutorial #MasjidDesign #HandmadeCard #AdeelaArtandCraft #CraftIdeasforEid #DIYGreetingCard #CreativeCrafts #PaperCrafts
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