How to Clone Items in Pokemon Emerald

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How to clone items in Pokemon Emerald. It is done using a glitch in the game where part of the save file is saved while talking to this lady in battle frontier when asking you to save the game. Turn off or reset the game when you have the option to say yes or no to saving the game, and when you restart, your pc box will be loaded the way your previous save file was, but your party and bag will be loaded from when you talked to the lady. This only works in Emerald, not Ruby/Sapphire. You can also do this multiple times with both pokemon and items at the same time. Be careful not to do it the opposite way, that will delete your items/pokemon instead of cloning them.
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-Warning: if you do it in reverse, you will delete items instead of cloning. Start with something small to make sure you do it right.
-Make sure you don't press yes before resetting the game the second time she asks to save. Simply reset/turn off here without pressing yes. watch closely from 1:00. If the game says it's saving while you turn off, you are doing it wrong. Good luck!


for anyone interested, this works with as many pokemon at a time as you want. You can fill a box with pokemon holding an item, take all of them, and clone them all at once. Took me a while to figure that out instead of doing them one at a time lol


It's sad that all the best methods are right at the end of post-game. I just wanted my first elite 4 picture to include all my favorites.


Hey guys. With this method you cam multiply rare candy too😊


guys i just lost my master balls and I hope you don't make this mistake. when I gave my two pokemon both my master balls, I forgot to take the master ball back and I went to the lady and did that reset thing and then loaded up the game and found that I have no master balls in my inventory and both my pokemon not holding the master balls. I'm pissed off since I have 94 hours and was going to shiny hunt rayquaza but just fucked up my game. PLEASE DON"T MAKE THIS MISTAKE


Oh thank you thank you thank you. It’s so hard to level grind from 75-100 with the elite 4 being such low level for some reason. I’m trying to get my battle frontier time right! 😂


Wait, this means I'll be able to fill a box of clones ev berries and clone them so I can ev train pokemon for the Frontier with my copy of emerald having a dead battery!


I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong I have watched this video and several others keep doing it step by step but keep spawning back on the computer not sure why I’m only pressing yes once on the lady I’m saving after I deposit with what item and Pokémon I want restarting when it ask if I want to save the second time I’m just confused any help?


best to get lots of rare candies and masterballs


Im playing emerald on mobile via emulator app. Every time i try this half of my pokemon gets deleted (i have a save file so I just load it). Is it cuz I do something wrong or simply doesnt works on emulator apps?


1:09 is that a soft reset or did you turn the game off then back on?


would this glitch get me any bad eggs? it doesn’t really bother me if i do since you can delete them, just curious.


I dont know why is it happening but whenever i reset after she asks to save for the 2nd time my whole pokedex is going to 0 (the pokemons i caught are still in the box but they are not showing up in the pokedex) and all my bag key items and normal items just keep disappearing the glitch works tho it duplicates the held item, i wanted to duplicate rare berries to make lots of pokeblocks with the blender master but since i am losing my pokeblock case which is a "key item" theres no point of getting berries (i am glad i did a quick save state before trying this glitch), is it just me or does this happen sometimes? or am i making a mistake?


Does this only work on the multi link battles or does it also work in double battles


Sweat! I’m getting a lot of Rare candys!


So when I do this it loads up and says my save file is corrupted.. the glitch does work but is this normal? Kinda don’t wanna do the glitch again if it could possibly ruin my whole save file .


Sorry to ask. If cartridge save using cip, it cannot be clone right? I tried. But fail


It doesn't work for me, is it because I have a fake cart?


After doing this, it worked. Only possible problem is that the items in my normal item bag have messed up numbers and it seems it all increased with different characters in use. Will this effect my save?

Edit: I just realized this is because I am playing a rom hack with an expanded dex


Does this also work on ruby? Its completely different from ruby and i cant get it to work
