Autocom CDP+ naprawa - reflashing firmware

Показать описание
Wgrywanie nowego firmware po nie udanej próbie aktualizacji sprzętowej VCI

Install Flash_Loader_Demonstrator
make wire connection between VDD (pin1 from J400) and pin138 BOOT0 from STM32F20XXX - for Autocom pcb V 3.0 or between TP102 (VDD) and TP206 - for Autocom class B
put a switch between pin9 and pin10 from J400 (this connection is needed to join short time NRST to GND - make resset)
connect Autocom to car (or external 12v) and USB to computer
start Flash_Loader_Demonstrator and dont change anything in settings just select yout VCI port number
connection wire is between VDD and BOOT0 (step2) all time while upgrating firmware
After Flash_Loader_Demonstrator window is appear then made short connection between pin 9 and pin 10 from J400 (look at pictures)
If everything is OK then next window will be avaliable in Flash Loader Demonstrator
When connection with MCU is avaliable, you need choose type of MCU 1024K
Click next and wait about 7 min for uploading your firmware to Autocom
After uploading firmware finished just disconect Autocom from OBD2 and USB and connect it again and make test and you will be suprised your Autocom is live again
Рекомендации по теме

Można prosić jakiś kontakt do Ciebie? Mail lub cokolwiek innego? Zrobiłem aktualizacje flash i interfejs działa jednak cały czas w programie widnieje mi napis "Oprogramowanie w testerze nie jest aktualne. Proszę zaktualizować oprogramowanie sprzętowe"


witam, wszystko rozumiem ale który to styk 9 i 10 do zrobienia połączenia miedzy nimi ?


My autocom never worked, buy it again install the program and plug it into the computer and the car never turned on the blue lights, test mode soft does not recognize it but windows detects the port com4 vci diagnostic port. My autocom is sigle plaque green class A. I did not see apparent burnt components but did not check them with pressure. Is there reflashing firmware? Thank you


z kad można sciagnac firmware do ds 150


czy trzeba zmostkowac cos w autocomie ktory sklada sie z dwoch plytek


Przydalo by sie zdjecie ktory to pin 138
