Soviet Patriotic Song - Широка Страна Моя Родная/Wide is my Motherland (Сталинский/Stalinist)

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The rarer Stalinist version of one of the most famous songs from the Soviet era.

Written by: Isaak Dunayevskiy, Vasiliy Lebedev-Kumach (1937)
Performed by: Andrei Ivanov, Ukrainian State Chapel "Dumka," Symphony of URK Orchestra (1939)


Interkast is a non-political channel. None of the footage, songs, images or emblems used in these videos are owned by me.
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truly wide is my motherland!! love from India to this!!!


*☭☭☭Да Здравствует Товарищ Сталин!!!☭☭☭*


Today is the anniversary of the beginning of the Chinese people's war against Japanese imperialism. We Chinese are very grateful to Stalin for his help.


"Я другой такой страны не знаю, где так вольно дышит человек!" Спасибо СССР за моё счастливое детство и юность. Первая в мире страна без рабов и господ, где не было безработицы, не было ипотек и кредитов, где люди были добрыми и бескорыстными. Страна-созидательница с сильной экономикой, наукой, медициной. Народы СССР жили в дружбе и уважении, вместе защищали и строили страну.


One of the powerful songs to be made in the world


Я в прошедших времён видел две сходные варианты видеоклипе но этот классическая. Мне нравился того. Спасибо.


"A man always has a right to rest and labor"
Neoliberals: *And I took it personally*


From Moscow to the very Outskirts,
From southern Hills to northern Seas,
Man has been acting as a Caretaker,
Over his vast Motherland.

Everywhere, Life is free and wide,
Just as the flowing Volga itself.
Everywhere, Youth are dear to us,
The Old are always honored by us.

Wide is my Motherland,
Of her many Forests, Fields and Rivers!
I know of no other such Country,
Where a Man can breathe so freely.

Nobody is excluded from our Table,
Each are awarded according to Merit.
We are writing, in golden Letters,
The Law of National Stalinism.

The great and glorious Words,
Shall never be erased through the Years:
"A Man, always, has the Right,
To Study, Rest and Labor!"

Wide is my Motherland,
Of her many Forests, Fields and Rivers!
I know of no other such Country,
Where a Man can breathe so freely.

The Wind of Spring blows over the Country,
And Life becomes more joyful each Day.
Nobody on Earth could dare,
To laugh and love better than us.

But we shall frown sternly,
If an Enemy tries to break us;
Like a Bride, we love our Motherland,
And we protect it like a gentle Mother!

Wide is my Motherland,
Of her many Forests, Fields and Rivers!
I know of no other such Country,
Where a Man can breathe so freely.


Until 1993, the first few bars of Широка Страна Моя Родная (played on the vibraphone) were the interval signal of Radio Moscow. Anyone who listened to shortwave radio during the medium's "glory days" was familiar with this little snippet, as Radio Moscow boomed immensely powerful signals all over the world.

While I think the words to Широка Страна Моя Родная are a bit silly, they are quite consistent with Radio Moscow's polemical "news" reporting.

Here is an additional verse for your entertainment:

С этим словом (товарищ) мы повсюду дома.
Нет для нас ни чёрных, ни цветных.
Это слово каждому знакомо,
С ним везде находим мы родных.

With this word (товарищ = comrade) we are everywhere at home.
There are no "blacks" or "coloreds" for us.
This word is familiar to everyone
With it everywhere we find friends (relatives).

Широка Страна Моя Родная made its début in the film "Circus, " the story of an American woman who flees from racism in the United States after giving birth to an African-American child. She comes to the USSR to sing as part of an act in the circus, and soon falls in love with a performance director. As she becomes assimilated into her new surroundings, her love blossoms into love for the Soviet motherland itself, the ideals that have refined it, and the newly found freedoms of Soviet society. The melody and chorus of the song appear throughout the film, and both parts of the final stanza are sung at the end where all the characters are seen marching in a May Day parade on Red Square. (Wikipedia)


Даже не знал, что из песни выкинули куплет, когда боролись с культом. Случайно услышал изначальную версию на радио России.


Denn es gibt kein andren's land auf Erde, wo das Herz so frei dem Menschen schlägt!


Широка Страна Моя Родная!

Wide is my native country!


Can you do កុមារបដិវត្ (Children of the revolution). It's one of the best socialist songs I've heard. From the khmer rouge


This song was made to support the 1937 Soviet constitution, as know as Socialist constitution or Stalinist law.


Love this version of the song! I’m curious where do you find the footage for your songs? Is it just YouTube or do you look elsewhere too


Interkast, can I request some Italian partisan songs?


Blasted this on my American Neighborhood, they tried to destroy my house to hear it better, what an peaceful neighborhood 🥰🥰🥰


Солист шепелявый. Наверно, от вольного дыхания


Tak wolno dyszy czlowie jak dostanie 15 lat zesłania jak w Dzieciach Ar batu.


Всё просрали хорошее....
Стали быдлом все, примерно с 2014 г
Одни каменные джунгли и новостройки
во всех городах России.🐏♨️💣🍶
