Vite is The New Webpack and Create-React-App killer!

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As web developers, we always struggle with dev server and HMR performance as well as building production bundles that take forever every time you push to CI/CD. Vite solves the performance issue by utilizing ESM (ESModules) using the help of the awesome bundler ESBuild, which going to give superpowers to your projects compared to other bundlers like webpack, babel-loaders, or maybe browserify. In this video, we'll cover how vite works and what is ESM modules for dev-server, how to create and set up a project using vite-cli as well as do an in-depth comparison between vite, webpack and create-react-app.
⭐ Timestamps ⭐
00:00 Intro
02:14 ESM (Vite) vs Classic Bundlers
05:02 Creating a project using Vite create-cli
06:16 Vite project structure and config with typescript
07:43 Vite is super fast with HMR
08:53 Vite vs Webpack [HRM]
12:20 ESM (ESbuild) Vs Webpack on browser
14:18 Vite vs create-react-app dev server start
15:43 Vite vs Webpack vs CRA Production build
🧭 Turn Design into React Code | From prototype to Full website in no time
🧭 Watch Tutorial on Designing the website on Figma
🧭 Watch Create a Modern React Login/Register Form with smooth Animations
🧭 Debug React Apps Like a Pro | Master Debugging from Zero to Hero with Chrome DevTools
🧭 Master React Like Pro w/ Redux, Typescript, and GraphQL | Beginner to Advanced in React
🧭 Learn Redux For Beginners | React Redux from Zero To Hero to build a real-world app
🧭 Build Login/Register API Server w/ Authentication | JWT Express AUTH using Passport.JS and Sequelize
🧭 Introduction to GraphQL with Apollo and React
Made with 💗 by Coderone
⭐ Timestamps ⭐
00:00 Intro
02:14 ESM (Vite) vs Classic Bundlers
05:02 Creating a project using Vite create-cli
06:16 Vite project structure and config with typescript
07:43 Vite is super fast with HMR
08:53 Vite vs Webpack [HRM]
12:20 ESM (ESbuild) Vs Webpack on browser
14:18 Vite vs create-react-app dev server start
15:43 Vite vs Webpack vs CRA Production build
🧭 Turn Design into React Code | From prototype to Full website in no time
🧭 Watch Tutorial on Designing the website on Figma
🧭 Watch Create a Modern React Login/Register Form with smooth Animations
🧭 Debug React Apps Like a Pro | Master Debugging from Zero to Hero with Chrome DevTools
🧭 Master React Like Pro w/ Redux, Typescript, and GraphQL | Beginner to Advanced in React
🧭 Learn Redux For Beginners | React Redux from Zero To Hero to build a real-world app
🧭 Build Login/Register API Server w/ Authentication | JWT Express AUTH using Passport.JS and Sequelize
🧭 Introduction to GraphQL with Apollo and React
Made with 💗 by Coderone