I'll fly for you/Lora Lie Lo - Patty Gurdy (official music video, written for Carnival Row)

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I am Patty Gurdy and I got asked to write songs for the Amazon Prime/ Legendary TV series called "CARNIVAL ROW". The fairy I wrote for is called "Aisling Querelle" and she used to be a singer in the Fairy-country Tirnanoc. Aisling is singing this lullaby / sleep song to her son Philo (Orlando Bloom).
And by the way, if you're wondering: This green instrument is called "hurdy-gurdy". I explain it in my other YouTube videos.
The snow parts of this video were shot in the Austrian alps. Have a wonderful Christmas!

Music: Patty Gurdy
Lyrics: Kristin Robinson
Poduced by: Patty Gurdy and Simon Michael
Mastered by: Christoph Beyerlein
Video: Patty's family and Oliver Weisskopf

(Anzeige) If you would like to support me and my music, you can do so on Patreon!

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Dear international Gurdian family! Like and comment where you are from to kick the algorithm's bum :P And good night to everyone using this to fall asleep :*


"Carnival Row" is one of the most underrated series right now. And the soundtrack is simply amazing! 😊👍


Lyrics by Kristin Robinson, one of the script writers of the series "Carnival Row":
Lora lie lo
Lora lie lay
Lay lo, lay lo
Lay lay
Lora lie lo
Lora lie lay
Lay lo, lay lo
Lay lay

I'll fly for you
My child, my son
Sweet dreams to you
My only one
I'll fly for you
My child,  my son
Sweet dreams, my only one

Long ago, in the quiet and dark
I hid you fast away
Left only with your mother's mark
Safe from harm and far from Fae

Every chance I sing these notes
To you dearly in light and love
One day away on wings we'll float
On ever up to above

I'll fly for you
My child, my son
Sweet dreams to you
My only one
I'll fly for you
My child, my son
Sweet dreams, my only one

Lora lie lo
Lora lie lay
Lay lo, lay lo
Lay lay
Lora lie lo
Lora lie lay
Lay lo, lay lo
Lay lay

Every eve I sing this song
By your side in love and light
One day will we sing along
On ever into the night

I will fly for you
My child, my son
Sweet dreams to you
My only onе
I'll fly for you
My child, my son
Sweet dreams, my only one


This turned out absolutely amazing. Your mother on the camera and your sister on the bass did a fantastic job. And of course you Patricia. I can't compare you with anyone. You are in a league of your own. Thank you for sharing your talent with the rest of the world. Love from Norway 🇳🇴


Why in Gods loving name is music as beautiful as Patricia performs not popular every day listening? Has the majority lost the ability to comprehend such artistry, such talent? This, this beautiful song can not be compared to anything on the market, but yet everything on the market sounds the same. Please never stop Ms Patty Gurdy, Ms Patricia. You are your music is simply amazing.


Man, I did not expect to cry during this show. This song is 10/10.


One of the most haunting melodies ever heard, and the hurdy gurdy makes it even more magical and touching!


I don’t understand why this series didn’t hyped . One of the most underrated series . I’m in love with this series and characters.


You are the sweetest. I lost my son to cancer 11 years ago, and this song helps me move forward in this post-apocalyptic world. Blessings from Oregon, the Chippewa Cree and the Metis people ❤🙏❤


Das Instrument finde ich schon sehr lang faszinierend. Den englischen Namen habe ich gerade eben entdeckt.
Zum ersten mal gesehen und gehört habe ich das Instrument wohl in meiner Heimatstadt Eisenach im Bachhaus. Johann Sebastian Bach hat dieses Instrument auch gespielt.
Viele Jahre später, 1993, hat mich der Klang im Soundtrack des Computerspiels "Die Siedler" in der AMIGA-Version fasziniert. Das höre ich mir heute noch gelegentlich auf YouTube an. :-)
Wie ich heute hier her gekommen bin, weiß ich selbst nicht mehr genau. Zwischendurch war ich bei Donovan: "Hurdy Gurdy Man". Wiki hat mir dann verraten, dass ich hier danach suchen muss ...
Was Patty mit dem Instrument macht, finde ich einfach überwältigend. Ich habe in letzter Zeit wenig Musik gehört, das wird sich jetzt wieder ändern. Ich brauche mehr von diesem Sound! Dass Patty außerdem eine Augenweide ist, muss ich wohl nicht erwähnen, das sieht ja Jeder selbst.
So fantastische Musik von einer so schönen Frau ist schon etwas besonderes.


Donot know when but one day ....Definitely 100% I am gonna meet you and thank you for singing it 🤩🤩🤩💕💖💗


In another life, I would be your faithful beau. You are absolutely enchanting!


American from Columbus, Ohio. Always a pleasure! Thank you, and Merry Christmas!


What a great song !! Just a wintering tale! Only very sorry for the dragonfly, it will freeze in the cold winter!🤔❄❄❄


i stepped into this universe just yesterday and i have been bewitched entirely. thank you! for these gems of music. walking the dark, cold and rainy winter streets listening to this music has certainly helped me escape reality. and it will continue to do so. please never stop making music.


Beautiful song. Enchanting video! Greetings from South Africa.


Hi Miss Gordy my name is Tommy Lee I work on a small ranch in the mountains of New Mexico USA when I'm having a really rough day and the Cowboy Inn been rough no matter how hard it is when I hear your beautiful voice it just seems to melt all the hardship away I couldn't imagine this world without your beautiful voice thank you


Als ich das Lied das erstmal in der Serie gehört habe, hatte ich Tränen in den Augen. So schön, dass es jetzt ein Video dazu gibt.


Sitting here in a warm Tasmanian summer at the moment, shivering at the sight of the snow.


Enchanting song. Compliments from a south american Gurdian.
