Gov. Ralph Northam, Virginia Democrats, address tabled abortion bill

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Northam and other members of the Virginia Democratic leadership held a news conference Thursday.
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This man should be taken to the gallows.


This isn’t about choice for a woman’s body. The baby is a separate body. A woman doesn’t have the right to murder their babies. No one has the right to choose to dismember, give a lethal injection, or crush a babies skull.


I’ve been lied to. Saying Virginian republicans don’t care about women health.


Clap clap clap, "yes, we believe in infanticide", clap clap clap, "aren't we wonderful wonderful people"?
SICK! 😠😞 Sick freaking people!


Once late term abortions are legal, there will be pressure to do it - from Doctors, from society, from men - to avoid medical bills. Would these laws protect a mother's right to choose, or weaken it?? Once every life is not valuable, then many lives are not valuable.


A woman has a moral obligation to keep her legs closed if she isn’t using birth control and doesn’t want to conceive . Just as she has a moral obligation to stop at a red light to prevent killing innocent drivers. That has nothing to do with a woman’s right to choose. She can choose to have a baby or not have a baby. It’s her choice.


I can't wait to be a resident of another state.. I see why people dont recognize VA as a southern state.. its following the ways of heavily liberal CA and NY, so so sad...


Americans of VA . Call your State representatives . They were one vote away from voting this in . Where was the press and news on this ? Find out who they are that voted yes and tell them you will remember who they are next time you vote . Google the bill and who voted yea and nay . then call them . do you know who your reps are .? Throw this Governor out of office .


Laws are written by the legislatures and it most certainly is within their purview of their official duties to protect the unborn that have no voice. Those that are the most vulnerable that you people would murder without a second thought. Apparently only YOUR lives are important to you, but not those that cannot speak for themselves.


A fetus IS "an actual human life." Our individual DNA process is a continuous process, unfurling from the moment of conception. There is no later stage of our existence that is not dependent on earlier states of our existence, as a continuous entity in space and time. Our DNA process is continuous in both space and time from the moment of our conception, to the moment of our death.

Acceptance, rationalization of the termination of an already unfurling DNA process, once invited to unfurl, requires the irrational acceptance of a temporal bias. In the continuum of space/time, that continuously unfurling DNA process is not a complete individual human 'yet.' That is because we are not regarding that human over the complete time-space continuum that it exists in. But, the only thing required to see the complete individual human is the passage of time. We are of course much more than our unfurling DNA processes, but whatever we are, the basis of our life, cannot exist without the unmolested possession of that unfurling DNA process.

The fetus is a concrete example of a new individual DNA process, unfurling. There is and has been a conflict to define the most fundamental aspect of an individual -- the term of its existence. The resolution of this conflict -- between the newest individual and others -- is resolved by others, based on whatever philosophical or moral guidance they bring tothe conflict. The rationalizations in support of abortion boil down to the convenience of the others, based mostly on a shaky temporal bias that is permitted to stand, unquestioned.


You will all be held accountable one day. No mercy 😔


What does it say about a Women that would abort a full term Child? Do you think that would affect her mental health negatively or would she just head off to the beach like nothing happened? The world is going crazy because the crazies are now in charge.


He makes me sick talking about "women's reproductive rights" as an excuse. I'm a female and it isn't my right to give my permission to kill my baby. BIRTH CONTROL-PROMOTE IT!!! What DOCTOR DOESN'T CALL THIS Neonaticide.


All termination of all unborn human life is immoral.


Has anybody noticed how low on his head Northam's ear are? If they were any lower, they'd be on his neck. Must be a sign of some condition that's wrong with him. Why else would the motherfucker want to kill babies?!?


Yet, they are against the death penalty.


Puppies have more rights than newborns. WTF is wrong with you!


I'm really not trying to jump to conclusion about Ralph's comments like the media always does with Republicans. So let's examine it;Northham came under fire for this comment "And it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that's non-viable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother." So the question is; what exactly does he mean "a discussion would ensue"? And what does he mean by severe deformity? Are we talking so deformed that the baby probably can't live, or are we talking about a cleft palate? I think it's totally reasonable to assume that the "discussion that would ensue" is a discussion about keeping the baby alive or letting it die. And I would love to have him clarify what he meant by severe deformity. WHY IN THIS 10 MINUTE PRESS CONFERENCE WAS HE NEVER ABLE TO CLARIFY WHAT HE MEANT? WHY WAS THE TALKING POINT "MALE LEGISLATORS HAVE NO PLACE IN MAKING LAWS RELATED TO WOMEN'S HEALTH" REPEATED OVER AND OVER AGAIN? PLEASE DEMOCRATS; QUITE HIDDING THE BALL. JUST TELL US WHAT YOU MEAN. I'M TRYING TO GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT OVER HERE.


"I am human, and I think nothing human is alien to me" Terence. The fundamental difference between democrat and republican is the democrat cares about women's right to health and republicans care about women's right to health and the life of the child. If you remove the right to life all of your other claims become pointless.


Want to know where they are going next? Abortion at any age.
“When does life begin? I submit the answer depends an awful lot on the feeling of the parents. A powerful feeling – but not science, ”
-Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC
