Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Ep 8: Surrender Review (Spoilers)

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I think Troi's "good in bed, bad at pizza" line was a joke. She didn't really sleep with any Changeling, she's just busting his balls.


The definitive strength of this episode is the return of Data. He actually made Lore play right into his hands. Brent Spiner and Lavar Burton as Data and Geordi was awesome.


Come on Dave, Troi was CLEARLY joking about the sex with fake Riker ...


Its hilarious how the "Good in bed, bad at Pizza" joke went straight over Daves head, Kurtzman trek has created many jaded fans 🤣


It was beautiful that Deanna referred to their house in the first season as "designed by a cabal of retro prairie hipsters".


Deanna was obviously kidding and the way Riker reacted to it was really charming.


Possessed Dukat: “soon the Pah-Wraiths will burn across Bajor, the Celestial Temple, the Alpha Quadrant, can you picture it? An entire universe set in flames! To burn for all eternity”

Sisko defeats Dukat. Fade to white.

Sisko “what happened?”

Prophet “you’ve returned the Pah-wraiths to their prison in the fire caves”

Sisko “the book was the key wasn’t it?”

Prophet “To a *door* that can never be opened again…..”

At least they made an effort with the red herrings. Right?


Honestly I am beyond weary of serialized 10-hour movies broken up into chunks style TV and I have been for years now. Deep Space Nine and Stargate found the golden combination. 24 to 26 episode seasons, not entirely episodic but not entirely serialized. Generally one overarching story or main plot that carries throughout an entire season or even multiple seasons, but with at least half of the episodes being standalone or very briefly touching on or giving small developments to the big story. One of the main problems with doing the 10-hour movie thing is that if a viewer is not that interested in the story that movie is telling, that entire season is a waste for them. Even if you weren't a fan of the Klingon Cardassian War ark in deep space nine, there were still plenty of Standalone episodes to enjoy. Even if you didn't like some of the Standalone episodes, you might have been really drawn in by the Dominion war in general. Having a full 24 episode season with a good 10 episodes being standalones, maybe another four being standalones that are connected to the main arc, and then the other 10 being full on Main Arc episodes, there was always something to enjoy. And it gives the writers an opportunity to put the characters in a lot of different kinds of situations to show character growth or character moments that you can't really get in just one movie with one plot, even if that movie is 10 hours long split up into chunks. Whether you like serialized storytelling or not, you know we're never going to get another Duet, The Inner Light, In the Pale Moonlight, or The Visitor ever again as long as they stick with this kind of story.


Worf's line about sending severed heads to the other crew members made me laugh out loud. For the first time in 20 years, I actually experienced a positive emotion when watching new Star Trek.


The Data and Lore scene made the Ep. It was so good and so TNG. It was so strange seeing such a scene in NuTrek it took me by shock and in turn hit me in the feels big time. So well acted and the music the used was good aswell.


Despite the mystery being padded out further in this episode, I thought this one was MUCH better than episode 7. Vadic’s defeat and the destruction of the Shrike were very satisfying and the return of Data, his reunion with Geordi, and the whole TNG main cast sitting at the conference table together again were such great moments to see.


It was confirmed by the writer of the episode that the pizza and sleeping with the Changeling was a joke


Troi was joking. That's what the "I knew they were changelings right away" line is about. It's to contrast with her last line and demonstrate that she didn't actually bang a gooey. It seems pretty obvious to me.


12:36 The music is originally from TMP yes, but the version was almost identical to the Nemesis version.


I found it funny that Vadic became a "solid" in the end. 😂


I'm glad Spot was able to get a cameo 🐈


1) Rest in *Pieces, * Vadic -- you won't be missed, good riddance!
2) I wish they hadn't destroyed the Shrike. They could've at least salvaged that portal weapon!
3) My favorite scene was Data bidding farewell to Lore, it was really touching. And we get to see Spot!.. sorta.
4) Seriously, open that damned Red Door already!


Shaw should have been the one with the line: "Get off my bridge." I don't understand why Seven got that moment. It would have been great extension for Shaw's Character arc. Also, I'll be disappointed if we don't learn more about Vadic. Why is she the one on this mission for the changelings?


Vadic to Seven: "How fitting it is for you to stay and witness this." Now there's a clue about what voices Jack may be hearing.


I'm curious about how your critique might have turned out if you hadn't watched all 10 episodes in one go. It seems that doing so may have influenced your perspective since you're not approaching each episode individually and without knowledge of the ultimate conclusion. Personally, I'm thoroughly enjoying every episode, particularly the moments featuring Data. There hasn't been a noteworthy Star Trek since Data's demise in Nemesis. Here's to hoping that Data's return is synonymous with the revival of exceptional Trek content.
