Shuka Vana ~ Rehabilitation Centre for Birds

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His Holiness Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji's deep concern for the preservation of our environment has manifested itself in Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore as Kishkindha Moolika Bonsai Garden, Ashwashala (Horse stables), Goshala (Cow shelters) and Shuka Vana (rehabilitation centre for birds).

Parrots are not just agreeable birds with their chirping sounds and attractive, vivid colors. Parrots have a specific spiritual connection with the nine planets (Navagrahas), the twelve zodiac signs (Rasis related to birth stars), the numerals of the dates in each month, and the seven musical notes Sa, Ri, Ga, Ma, Pa, Da, Ni (Saptaswaras) in Indian classical music.

With divine intuition, Sri Swamiji has identified sets of species of parrots that represent each of the above as its vibrant, living, breathing, visible presiding deity. Seeing these divine parrots and providing them nourishment, shelter, and care enhances good fortune and heightens positive energy. The parrots are related to each of us either by representing our birthdate, zodiac sign, or the planet or musical note that stimulates us.
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The birds of Shuka Vana are fed four times daily.  Their first meal is comprised of fresh fruits like apples, grapes and small bananas from 9am. Then they are fed a variety of fresh green leafy vegetables and other different vegetables between 12-1pm. They are then fed a mixture of different seeds.  They are given at least one to two hours exercise daily and also about one hour sunlight.  This daily routine contributes to a healthy and happy bird. Thank you Appji for this wonderful Rehabilitation Center.


Jaya Guru Datta. I'm proud to say that Shukavana has one of the largest collection of parrots in India. It is because of Pujya Appaji's love and compassion for these endangered birds that today, Shukavana stands majestically in the serene environment of Datta Peetham. Shukavana also has an exclusive hospital to take care of birds that are injured or birds with deformities or any other bird related problems. My humble pranams to Pujya Appaji, under whom a group of dedicated volunteers work hard to keep these magnificent birds healthy and happy.


Human civilization is incomplete without birds.  Very happy to see such beautiful parrots in this free flight aviary.   


Sri Swamiji is not collecting colorful birds for fun and games. This is a profoundly sacred plan to bring to the world noble human beings in future generations. The parrots of today at Shuka Vana are personally spiritually energized, trained and nurtured with virtuous qualities and spiritual insights so that when they are reborn as human beings shortly, they will become leaders in spirituality, various arts, various professions, and even politics. This is a mega plan that is mind-boggling, to create a bright, new, peaceful world in the future.. Jaya Guru Datta 


Tears come to my eyes to see the plight of injured birds. I thank swamiji for this wonderful facility that preserves not only birds that are endangered but also the birds that are injured.


We all should work to protect them against evil I want to work with you to protect them and let them free without been threatened !Blessed uthe Lord of


Swamiji's love and compassion for the birds has no limits. The story of flight is an example. No where can you see a place where birds are taken care of so well. Thanks to Appaji for Shuka Vana..


Today's birds will be our future siblings, children, grandchildren, friends, relatives, colleagues, service professionals in society, and leaders of the world. That is why it is so important to feed them, care for them, cure them, protect them, teach them, and love them. Jaya Guru Datta 


With a glance, a word, a touch, and some delicious food prasadam - Sadguru Sri Swamiji changes the nature of thousands of devotees worldwide from impatient to patient, intolerant to tolerant, sad to happy, selfish to unselfish, greedy to generous, and ignorant to wise. He does the same thing to birds, mostly parrots, which turn friendly from scared, mild from wild, and trusting from suspicious. These birds will soon be reborn as humans, perhaps as our own children, grandchildren, or children of friends, with these decent and noble qualities acquired through Sadgurudeva's grace. What a wonderful future for the world Swamiji is creating with this amazing project called Shuka Vana! It is most incredible and divine. Jaya Guru Datta 


ఆహా ఎంత అద్భుతమైన అందమైన పక్షులు! ఎంత వినసొంపాన అప్పాజీ వారి నాదం! ఎంత అపురూపమైన సేకరణ! ఎన్నిసార్లు చూసినా పదే పదే చూడాలనిపిస్తోందనటంలో అతిశయోక్తి లేదు. అప్పాజీ వారికి సదా కృతజ్ఞులం. ఈ వీడియోని అందించిన SGS Birds వారికి అభినందనలు


Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, the parrots love this man, and you can see he loves them, parrots are very intelligent beings, loving and caring, and very responsive to human interaction, i have a Quaker parrot, and a golden mantled rossela parrot, the. rossela has taken me seven years for her to sit on my hand, strange little thing, but the quaker Marley just loves to sit on my shoulder and just be himself with me, What a nice man this guy is, and what a beautiful aviary, i wish,


All the sounds of all the parrots, as I walked through Shuka Vana today, was like music to me. A healing music, a therapeutic healing session for my stressed, strained nervous system. Stressed and strained from the daily routines and demands of this fast paced world. It is a great place to visit, reflect and relax.


It is  a remarkable achievement to establish India's premier rehabilitation center for birds in short span of time so well and treat so many  birds and save so many species. It is only possible for Sri Swamiji.


Swamiji Sri Ganapathy Sachidananda
Helper of Humanity started Shuka Vana with
Unceasing Love
Kindness Overflowing
Adorations growing and appreciated beyond measure

Voice of Birds, Mankind and Nature
A Home for Rehabilitation
No longer destitute but protected
And Divine Consciousness growing


How wonderful it is to watch Sri Swamiji feed the birds so lovingly! They seem to have a very special relationship.


It's really moving just how much this guy obviously cares for those birds from the way they completely trust him... but looool, that cockatiel on the right at 17:34


Shuka Vana has a very good facility for rehabilitation of birds.
Hats off to the dedicated volunteers and doctors of Shuka Vana.


It is a great privilege to live in such a wonderful environment where hundreds of divine birds are being taken care of in the world's best aviary. Thank you Sri Swamiji for giving such a great opportunity and thanks SGS Birds for posting such a wonderful documentary.


When you visit places like Shuka Vana, it opens your eyes and tells you as to how little we know about things and other beings that are right around us, and that we see and work with on a daily basis. My visit to Shuka Vana taught me a lot about birds and I encourage every human being to get to know more about these wonderful beings.


Thank you to Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda for buildimg such a wonderful place called Shuka Vana. This beautiful free flight bird aviary built on 1 acre of land is a heaven on earth to the bird that live there. These birds are so well trained and very intillegent. Some of them can even talk in five different languages. Most beautiful birds.
