Using the the ggplot2 R package to create a boxplot with individual data points overlayed (CC091)

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A boxplot shows the median of a distribution along with the 25th and 75th percentiles as well as an indicator of which points are outliers. In this episode of Code Club, Pat will use ggplot2 with the geom_boxplot, geom_jitter, and stat_summary functions to create a boxplot with the individual data overlayed on the figure.

Pat will use RStudio and functions from the #ggplot2 package including #geom_boxplot, #geom_jitter, and #stat_summary and other packages from the tidyverse. The accompanying blog post with the R code that Pat starts with can be found at .

Do you have a figure that you would like to receive a critique or help improving? Let me know and I'd be happy to arrange a guest appearance!

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0:00 Introduction
1:37 Creating box and whisker plot
6:34 Adjusting appearance of plot with alpha
8:15 Overlaying jittered data
11:00 Changing length of whiskers with coef
13:29 Replacing geom_boxplot with stat_summary
16:47 Critique of figure
18:36 Conclusion

#ggplot2 #geom_boxplot #geom_jitter #stat_summary
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