Top 15 Most Powerful Angels in Supernatural {Season 15}

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#supernatural #Dean #Sam #Winchester #Castiel #Lucifer #God #Chuck #Billie
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A quick filler video I made a while ago but never saw the time to make it public. That's why it says season 14 instead of 15.


Great list! I agree with almost all your rankings, and moreover this is a well made video.

I honestly think Zachariah was a Seraph. He was the number one angel under the archangels, and he talked about having six wings. That, and giving Zachariah’s time projection skills in 5x04, he’s substantially stronger than Season 4 Castiel and Anna.

Naomi being a seraph also makes sense to me, since she too worked directly under the archangels and sent Crowley fleeing by just threatening to blast him. Remember it took Crowley a while to flee from (a weakened) Castiel that same season.

Also, that random confirmed Seraph should make the list just on the back of his status.


7.metatron with angel tablet
5.gabriel michael/Lucifer
1.Lucifer with jacks grace


15. Uriel
14. Balthazar
13. Anna Milton
12. Zachariah
11. Naomi
10. Metatron
9. Castiel(Seraph)
8. Raphael
7. Gabriel
6. The End Lucifer
5. Metatron(God Tablet)
4. Michael
3. AU Michael
2. God Cass
1. Supercharged Lucifer


Curious as to why you have Queen Sheba in the HM, who is a Nephilim, but no mention of Jack who is one as well.

Uriel should be lower, the wiki states ishim is a high tier angel, which makes sense because he's a garrison leader like Anna. And there's plenty of evidence supporting Uriel being inferior to Anna.

And there's a good argument for Metatron being higher as well, at least above Lower Archangel. Holy fire is able to hurt both Michaels and has been used to trap every Archangel for a period of time. While Metatron casually blows it away.


Don’t know if you still reply to this, but why isn’t Supercharged Lucifer, pre-God Jack; when he was still a Nephilim, and God Castiel included?

My list would go something like this (mind you, this list includes multiple “forms” for some characters (not all their forms though)):

1/2. Supercharged Lucifer
1/2. Peak Nephilim Jack (14x20 and later)
3/4. Apocalypse World Dichael
3/4. God Castiel
5. True Vessel Lucifer
6. 13x23 Jack
7. Aichael
8. Raphael
9. Gabriel
10. Metatron

Most non-Arcgangel (level) Angels, I don’t really care about, and I can’t really say where Seraphim Castiel (pre-fall) would rank (if he’d be number 11 or not). My memory of him is too vague.


Idea for a video:
top 10 strongest charakters in supernatural


Why is Balthazar so low he was able to steal all the weapons of heaven surely he is more powerful than say Uriel or Anna.

Also I think death should be on this list


"viceroy of heaven michael" is much more powerful than apocalypse michael from the other universe!!! He opened the rift for the other universe by just snaping his finger!!! the other michael(apocalypse michael) had to take lucifer grace and kevin´s help to do it!!!


1_lucifer true vessel
2_michael true vessel
3_lucifer supercharged
4_lucifer jack garce prince of hell
5_michael leader of angel(heaven)
6_godcas 40mil
9_metatron angel tablet


My list:

1."The Son of Lucifer" Jack Kline {Arch- Nephilim} [Full Power]
2."Prince of Darkness" Lucifer {Super- Charged Archangel} [Jack's Grace]
3."Self-Proclaimed God" Castiel {Mutated Seraphim} [40 Milion Porguatory Souls]
4."Commander of the Host" Apocalypse Michael {1st Archangel} [Michael's Sword]
5."Viceroy of Heaven" Michael {1st Archangel}
6."The Light Bringer" Lucifer {2ed Archangel} [True Vessel]
7."Scribe of God" Metatron {Angel} [Angel Tablet]
8."Michael's Lieutenant" Raphael {3rd Archangel}
9."The Trinkster" Gabriel {4th Archangel}
10. Jane {Nephilim}
11. Tamiel {Grigori} [Angel Swords]
12. Zachariah {High-Tier Angel}
13. Naomi {High-Tier Angel} [Pre-Fall]
14."Guardian of the Garden of Eden" Gadreel {High-Tier Angel} [Pre-Fall]
15."Fallen Angel" Anna Milton {High-Tier Angel}


Good list but where is Lucifer with Jack's powers?


Metatron with angel tablet should be above the arcangels. Here is my reasoning nit even the arcangels can blow out holy fire or erase warding both of which metatron did with no trouble


Strongest in general 1. Jack Kline (Post Billie's Ritual) 2. Chuck+Amara fused together 3. Amara/Chuck 4. The Empty 5. Lucifer (Amped up by God) 6. Death 7. Jack Kline (Michael's Grace Absorbed) 8. Lucifer (Supercharged with Nephilim Grace) 9. Jack Kline (Full Power) 10. Metatron (Angel Tablet) 11. Michael (Perfect Vessel) 12. Michael Alternate Vessel/Lucifer (Perfect Vessel) 13. Godstiel (Castiel with Purgatory souls) 14. Lucifer Alternate vessel 15. Raphael 16. Gabriel 17. Dick Roman (Leviathan Leader) 18. Eve (Mother of All Monsters) 19. Jesse The Antichrist 20. Cain 21. Deanmon 22. Sam (Demon Blood) 23. Lilith 24. Asmodeus (Gabriel Archangel grace) 25. Dagon (Enhanced by Lucifer) 26. Cain (Mark of Cain) 27. Deanmon 28. Sam (Demon Blood) 29. Lilith 30. Alaister 31. Azazel 32. Ramiel 33. Dagon 34. Asmodeus 35. Rowena (Book of the Damned) 36. Tempter Demon 37. Castiel (Seraph) 38. Abbadon 39. Crowley

Strongest Demons 1. Jesse The Antichrist 2. Asmodeus (Gabriel Archangel grace) 3. Dagon (Enhanced by Lucifer) 4. Cain (Mark of Cain) 6. Deanmon 7. Sam (Demon Blood) 8. Lilith 9.Asmodeus (Gabriel Archangel Grace) 10. Dagon (Enhanced by Lucifer)11. Cain (Mark of cain) 12. Deanmon 13. Sam (Demon Blood) 14. Lilith 15. Alastair 16. Azazel 17. Ramiel 18. Dagon 19. Asmodeus 20. Rowena (Book of the Damned) 21. Tempter Demon 22. Castiel (Seraph) 23. Abbadon 24. Crowley

Strongest Archangels/Angels 1. Lucifer (Powered up by God/Amara 2. Lucifer (Supercharged with Nephilim Grace) 3. Jack Kline (Michael's Grace Absorbed) 4. Jack Kline (Full Power) 5. Metatron (Angel Tablet) 6. Michael (Perfect Vessel) 7. Michael Alternate Vessel/ Lucifer (Perfect Vessel) 8. Lucifer Alternate Vessel 9. God-Cas 10. Raphael 11. Gabriel 12. Castiel (Seraph) 13. Naomi/Zachariah/Gadreel 14. Anna 15. Uriel 16. Duma

Strongest Horsemen 1. Death 2. War 3. Pestilence 4. Famine

Strongest Witches 1. Rowena (Book of Damned) 2. Natural Witch 3. Borrower Witch 4. Student Witch

Strongest Monsters/Beasts 1. Dick Roman 2. Eve 3. Leviathan 4. Dragons 5. Alpha Vampire/Alpha Shapeshifter/Alpha Werewolf/Alpha Skinwalker/Alpha Djinn 6. Phoenixes/Jefferson Starships 7. Arachnes/Djinns/Ghouls/Khan

Strongest Primordial Beings 1. Chuck+Amara fused together 2. Amara/Chuck 3. The Empty 4. Lucifer (amped by God) 5. Death 6. Lucifer (supercharged with nephilim grace) 7. Michael (Perfect Vessel) 8. Michael Alternate Vessel/ Lucifer (Perfect Vessel) 9. Lucifer Alternate Vessel 10. Raphael 11. Gabriel


there is a cap lucifer and michael are the same power levels and lucifer true vessel beats michael with normal vessel same with michael when michael beated lucifer he used his true vessel when lucifer was just in a normal vessel


Does half-angel nephilim Jack not count? He can be god but not on the angel list?


Castiel has steal metatron grace and yet not find until the ending of supernatural 😂😂


In your top 30 video Angel Tablet Metatron is above the two younger Archangels but here he isnt. Why?
Imo he is clearly above any of them anyway due to the Holy Fire feat and his god-like status, saying he could create an endless supply of Angel Grace for Cas. Brainwashing reapers and angels into being insane and committing suicide terror attacks.


castiel destroyed raphael how raphael is more stronger


Mames, Metatron, Gabriel, y Rafael no son más poderosos que Castiel, Castiel esta a nivel del top 1.
