Shiny App Showcase: Sales Anomalies and Forecast Report by Deepsha Menghani

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ShinyConf 2023
Shiny App Showcase: Sales Anomalies and Forecast Report by Deepsha Menghani

• Product sales tab: This provides an overview of the product sales over time
• Forecast tab: This helps the stakeholders forecast product sales in upcoming month.
• Anomalies tab: This plot checks for anomalies so any upstream data issues can be reported. You can change alpha to increase or decrease the threshold of what is considered anomalous data.
• Download tables: All the tables in this dashboard can be copied or downloaded to share with stakeholders including sales and forecast.

This dashboard was originally built for my business stakeholders using real data so I could bring them along the journey of how I was forecasting and calculating anomalies in their data prior to moving it in production. The app allowed my stakeholders to play with the logic and test it out for different products and gain confidence in what was ultimately being built and provided to them. It took me little time and effort to create this app but it went a long way in providing something tangible to my business stakeholders to interact with, leading to higher impact.

I created this app replica with fake data to share the code and knowledge externally.
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