The Spiritual Gift of Prophecy: Questions and Objections --- Sam Storms

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It's hard to find a more controversial spiritual gift than prophecy. There is a sense in which it has become the focal point of debate among Christians who differ on the perpetuation and validity of spiritual gifts today.

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Reading these comments I realize many aren't familiar with their Bible and the gifts we are given by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I have had many dreams and visions that did come to pass. I give all credit to God's Grace and Gifts He's trusted me with.


That prophecy is a gift that is misappropriated or abused or is used to puff up the individual is not a good reason to say it must not be a gift in this present age. Nearly every spiritual gift has been in one way or another misappropriated—teaching (false teachers), acts of service (to exalt self), giving, etc. I don’t think anybody would argue those gifts have not continued to this day. The Spirit apportions various gifts for the common good of the body (1 Corinthians 12:7) so the gift does not have to be “normative” to have continued to this day. I don’t think any spiritual gift discussed in the New Testament was contemplated as being possessed by every Christian and we know that they are not. I don’t think any of the arguments here are so persuasive as to overcome what is clearly expressed in numerous passages in the New Testament in which prophecy is specifically mentioned as one of various gifts apportioned amongst members of the church.


People seem to forget that prophecy also means truth, vs just foretelling of things to come. A Christian with the spiritual gift of prophecy is a strong outspoken witness for God's truth. They are very black and white. They tend to come off as being harsh and/or a know it all, when in fact they are just to the point and being direct. They have been blessed with a truthful understand of God's word and nothing can sway that.


Either you believe it is a gift..or you don't.
Every morning God gives His gift of Grace and Mercy to All.


If prophecy is a gift, how can it it be called as a gift, if prophecy becomes a normative experience for all believers in this present age? If everyone has this gift, then it can't be called as gift.


Isn’t prophesy proclaiming God’s goodness, mercy, etc, NOT soothsaying. People using “ thus says the Lord”, better be quoting scripture and glorifying God. That’s what happened at Pentecost, at least that’s why my Bible says.


The "end of days" actually began at the end of the 2300 year prophecy of Daniel 8:14. We must never give our own opinion on prophecy, for the God of the Bible wrote it and only His Word can define it. Proof? See 2Peter 1:19-21.


The last days cannot mean 2000 years or longer. That makes no sense in the context of scripture or the proper use of language. The last days being referred to was the last days of the old covenant. The 40 year period between Christ's ascension and the destruction of the temple in 70AD. It's the last days of Daniels 70 weeks not the last days of the whole world.


3:11 what evidence or scripture can you use to back up this claim?


I thought the last days were that of the Old Testament economy: temple, National ethnic people of God etc. & NOT the interim between 1st & 2nd advent.

The reason for the spirits outpouring was to demarcate the new people of God. Evidence the old was put away and after the foundation of Christ & apostles were lain, the sign gifts were eventually ended.


All flesh as in all Israel or all the known world?


Lot and lots and LOTS of to be made in the prophecy industry! And unlike that old, old, Old Testament thing, You don’t even have to get things right! Just move on to your next guess


Is there any evangelical book on how to improve on the gift of prophecy? I think there are a lot of books written by super charismatic but I was wondering if there is a theologically sound guide to improve on prophecy.


Prophecy is certainly real, I can go to the scriptures and expound upon prophecies right now. I can show you prophecies from old I can show you prophecies happening in your world today. To me this is how prophecy works, today and also in the Bible. It is a person with the knowledge of God's word and the ability to be able to go to God's word and expound and elaborate on the prophecies written in it.


Then why haven’t we seen it in the last 2000 years?


Hi, just adding a few (long) thoughts to this short video. What took place at Pentecost was a fulfillment of the prophecy in Joel as Sam Storms explained, , and this prophecy was given to Israel, both the House of Judah and the House of Israel and IF they would believe in Jesus as their Messiah and coming King who promised to set up His Kingdom, which WAS at hand, they would, as a believing nation be filled with the the Holy Spirit as promised in Ezekiel 36, Jeremiah 31. As a coming Kingdom of priests and in order to enter the Kingdom, they needed to be whole physically ( healed), washed in baptism, born again, and filled with the power of Holy Spirit so that they could obey the Law....which Jesus, as King will proclaim in the Millennial Kingdom ( Isaiah 2).

Pentecost was the fulfillment which gave them the power to be whom God prophesied for them to be....a light to the nations. It also gave them power to perform miracles, signs, drink any deadly thing, pickup serpents, heal the sick ( Mark 16 )etc.. to prepare them to enter the coming tribulation ( Matt 24, Luke 21, Daniels 70th week, the time of Jacob's trouble). However, the Kingdom did not arrive! The Great Tribulation did not happen! Except for a remnant who believed, Israel as a whole did not believe as they rejected Jesus and then rejected the gift of the Holy Spirit when they stoned Stephen. Israel fell and ever since is in a state of blindness and hardening (Romans 11)....UNTIL the full number of Gentiles comes in!
After the stoning of Stephen, the resurrected, glorified Jesus Christ, revealed the mystery of the Body of Christ to Paul. A mystery that NO one knew...because it was hid in God since before the world began! ( Ephesians 3:1-12, Colossians 1: 24-29, Galatians 1:11- 2:10).
Overtime, the ministry of Peter and the other 11 Apostles diminished, as one can see in the book of the point that Paul states in Acts 28:23-28 that salvation would be given to the Gentiles....ever since then, the gifts of the Holy Spirit diminished along with the ministry and proclamation of the Kingdom. It was put on hold. But, one day it will resume as prophesied!
In the meantime, we, the Body of Christ, are a new creature in Christ, fully forgiven, justified, sanctified, sealed with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of the inheritance that awaits us, made fully alive, seated with Christ in heavenly places, blessed with every Spiritual blessing in the heavenly places! The Holy Spirit is within us....we have no need to ask for a fresh infilling or for the Spirit to fall upon us...He resides within us, as does Jesus and God the Father.
As the Body of Christ, with Christ as our head, we are encouraged to walk in the Spirit not the flesh, to study the Word and sound doctrine as this will make us complete, equipped for every good work (2 Tim 3 :16-17). It's hard work as Paul describes in 2 Tim 2 and these last days of this age of the Gospel of Grace as revealed, will be very stressful as believers/ Christians will seek after teaching that tickles the ears and no longer is sound in the doctrine revealed to Paul for the Body of Christ today.
We have the completed Word of God for the past 2, 000 yrs...filled with enough prophecy you can trust from the actual mouth of God! I encourage you, if you have read this far...don't be deceived to believe that any 'man' ( I refer to self proclaimed prophets and apostles in the NAR, charismatic movements of our day) can claim to speak for God above and beyond what is inspired in the Word of God. It will only cause confusion, deception and make your ears itchy!


What is his argument against the idea that prophecy was an apolstolic gift and isn’t necessary anymore? Doesn’t it say all prophecy is now fulfilled in Gods son? Why would we need prophecy if the Bible is sufficient? Honestly seeking here. Would love feedback.


From bigning God send many prophets for Guidance of mankind.Mohmmad is last and Adam is first prophet of God like jesus and Moses Abraham ❤😂❤


You're making a lot of assertions here


I am a practicing psychic, medium, have the gift of telekinesis, remote viewing and many other gifts. I thank God EVERYDAY for my gifts, i will continue to help people for as long as i can🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 I also have the gift of Prophecy I just don't like to call it that because I am not a prophet, like I said my mission here on Earth is to help people, I cannot help that other people are small-minded and ignorant
