Eastern Europeans Are Going Extinct

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In this video, I analyse the accelerating depopulation of Eastern Europe in the past couple of years.

- timestamps -

00:00 - Introduction
01:55 - Regional Specifics
07:18 - The Importance of Stability
11:07 - The Gen Z Factor
16:21 - The Contemporary Situation
26:23 - The Future of Eastern Europe

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I am Polish and have noticed a quick increase in the number of foreigners who are more and more noticable with each year. Mainly subsaharans and Indians. They obviously don't know a single Polish word and have no ties to my country. We will share the same fate as France.


No worries guys I'm working on reversing it with my wife, wish me luck


KaiserBauch has officially entered his, “the Slavic world has fallen, hundreds of millions must die” phase


Kaiserbauch videos be like "your race is gonna die, something something emannuel todd, the end" lol.


Hungary's supposed pro-natalist policies are mostly just window dressing. No wonder the effect on the birth rate is negligable when the policies' effect on families' financials is too. The job market does not accommodate part-time work almost at all, wages are terrible so it's basically impossible to survive on one salary. Housing is a gigantic issue with Chinese and Russian oligarchs buying up all the real estate, driving prices high so everything is stacked against young couples to start a family, and even when they do and have one child, in order to provide for that one, they can't afford to make a second baby.


Between the Golden Horde, The Russian Empire/Soviet Union, the Ottomans and the Germans. Eastern European really never experienced the level of insane growth in strength that Western Europe and especially America had, it’s a tragic story.


At classmates birthday there were 8 couples aged 28-32yo. Out of them only 1 had a kid. And this is more conservative young people who dislike mass-migration and lgbtq.


In my personal experience, living in a big city is a big factor in having Children. I have 3 aunts and uncles on my Mother's side and 8 cousins, they all live in rural villages. On my father's side, I have just one uncle and one cousin, they live in a big city suburb.


Btw I'm Thai and as someone who loves history and geopolitics, it absolutely shocks me that no one, and I mean no one knows or cares about the low birth rates. I've met literally only one other person from high school who knew it was bad, and everyone in college thinks everything is fine. It really does seem like we have to wait until disaster comes for us to wake up.


I'm from Iran and people over here don't want to have kids especially the younger generations, they even shame people who choose to have a kid in this country, because of the economical and moral crisis in Iran and if this continues I see a future where Afghanians will replace Iranians one day because of the mass influx from Aghanistan, there was an article about the birth rate of Afghanians in Iran and one of the hospitals mentioned in the article had a crazy estimation of between every 300 children given birth in that hospital, 271 of them were Afghanians and the rest were Iranians.

The way they estimated was by their ID cards, because Afghanians who have came to Iran illegally don't have ID cards which wraps around more than 90% of Afghanians in Iran.

And the government does not seem to care because they can use their men to oppress Iranians in their own homeland because on the other side most of Iranians don't want to torture their own compatriots.


As a Bulgarian I can say that this is a big problem and nobody seems to care about that in Eastern Europe. Young people forget that they would have to support more and more elderly people, so it puts a heavy burden on them, most likely resulting in higher taxes. This would make young people leave, resulting in even higher taxes for the people remaining. This is a death spiral that Eastern Europe is yet to enter.

To top it all off, our politicians are not doing anything about it. On the news, the biggest problems are if we should construct a hospital or not... The most important thing is neglected and as I said earlier, people in Bulgaria don't even know that the country going extinct in like 20-30 years is possible.

Nobody is doing anything to change that. Politicians do nothing. They assume that if they don't do anything, the problem would get fixed by itself. The thing is that if we don't do anything, we still fail, it just takes us 20 years to collapse and go extinct. I would prefer somebody to do something daring and bald. Even if it's the wrong choice and we collapse, at least we had a chance at success, as collapsing 20 years later is guaranteed.

I will move away from this country, it is not worth it. Still the best place in the world to visit as a tourist btw.


The uncomfortable truth is the more women get educated the worse the birth rate becomes. There is not a single country that has increased the average schooling per woman that hasn’t experienced serious drop in fertility. The only way to change this would be to somehow convince billions of women that instead of going to University they should start families which seems extremely unlikely to succeed. The only countries with high birth rates in the 22nd century will be poor countries where women are denied access to education like Niger, Afghanistan, or Somalia. It’s tragic how we’re the most prosperous generation of humans that’s ever lived but we can’t even fulfill our most basic biological responsibility


A guy from Podlasie (eastern, rural part of Poland) here, I got 2 brothers and 4 sisters (both them and me are full grown adults) and I see first hand how depressing demographics are, two of my sisters managed to get pregnant and now rise their children, even though one of them is single mother, third sister (the oldest one) says she never wants to have a child even though she has been in same relationship for more than a decade now, and fourth sister is sick requiring constant care from family. Male part of family is even worse, only my oldest brother managed to enter relationship, but his woman is unable to bear children, while me and the second brother got no game. It's over, Poland has fallen, 36 millions must perish


the fall in fertility rate started well before internet and and social media.


Careful with that title, you'll summon all the Poles saying "wE'Re cEnTRaL EurOpeAn!!1"


In my country, the United States of America, birth rates are dropping here too. And I'm Black American. The Black American fertility rate has dropped below replacement levels. It's not that far off from the Czech fertility rate. I'm living proof of a declining birth rate in America's Black population. I'm Black, age 38, and I don't have any children. My brother and sister are in their 30s too. Just like me, they don't have any children. We're all childless bachelors at this point.


In my country (Mexico) the fertility rate has declined severely in the most developed regions (northern and western Mexico)[They’re also the whitest regions. Do whatever you want with this piece of information 👀]. It’s the least educated and poor regions of the country that keep the fertility rate somehow “stable”.
So for us is simple. More education, less children.


One reason for the massive decline of rural areas is disproportionate female emigration. Macedonia was the last country in Christian Europe to drop bellow 2.1 and rural areas still maintained a tfr of at least 2.4 per woman. But we have just been hit with a massive consistent emigration wave so bad that the only people left between the age of say 22-35 in my village are single men.

And I can’t imagine what Ukraine is about to go through


Demographic collapse seems to be coming for us all. For countries with the means to do so, automation would probably be a very wise investment.


Polish here; my grandmother from my mothers side 1/14 children. ONE OF FOURTEEN! My mother was 1/2. I am a single child. I'm planning my family with my fiance, probably 2 max 3 kids.
