Alexander Malofeev -- E. Grieg. Piano concerto in A minor, Op.16.

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- E. Grieg. Piano concerto in A minor, Op.16.
Soloist Alexander Malofeev.
Tatarstan National Symphony Orchestra.
Conductor Alexander Sladkovsky.
France. La Folle Journée de Nantes.

Э.Григ, Концерт для фортепиано с оркестром ля минор, Соч.16.
Солист Александр Малофеев
Государственный симфонический оркестр Республики Татарстан.
Дирижер Александр Сладковский.
Франция. La Folle Journée de Nantes.
Рекомендации по теме

Я вчера случайно имела удовольствие открыть для себя этого потрясающего пианиста. В Вене заболела заявленная в программе солистка, и краткосрочно, за один день до концерта специально из США прилетел в Вену Александр в качестве замены. В программе 3й фортепианный концерт Рахманинова. Один из моих любимых. На сцене объявили о замене пианиста и сообщили, что вчера ему исполнился 21 год. Я удивилась и подумала: "Интересно, никогда этого имени не слышала. Как он исполнит? Послушаю."
Сказать, что я в восторге- это ничего не сказать. В конце третьей части пришлось достать носовой платок. Слезы лились ручьем. Эта красивейшая музыка в просто шедевральном испонении. Есть пианисты, которые просто быстро по клавишам бьют и показывают свою ловкость рук. А вот эмоций в исполнении ноль. Но это не в случае Александра. Такое эмоциональное и в то же время виртуозное исполнение! Я подошла в антракте к Александру, выразила свою благодарность за доставленное удовольствие и море эмоций и поздравила его с дебютом в золотом зале Венского общества любителей музыки.
У этого пианиста будет блестящая карьера. Очень надеюсь услышать его еще много раз в Вене и, возможно, на Зальцбуржском фестивале. А сейчас наслаждаюсь его исполнением Грига здесь на youtube.
Спасибо родителям и учителям Александра за то, что подарили миру такой талант.
От души желаю этому юному дарованию многочисленных концертов по всему миру, творческих успехов и благополучия.


Alexander brings extraordinary joy to us all. I believe he will become one of the greatest concert pianists of all time. Mr Malofeev is already out of this world in brilliance and his depth of understanding of the greatest piano works. A very great Russian artist.


One of the joys of being 75 years old is that I have lived to hear true musical genius !


This is not just a talented musician - Mr. Malofeev's talent is beyond! He has been touched by the hand of god to be able to perform the way he does, it's just breathtaking and absolutely beautiful, left me in tears.


Today, 21st October 2021, we say Happy 20th Birthday Alexander! You are no longer a teenager. But who has achieved more in their phenomenal and brilliantly inspiring musicianship during their teens (well, Mozart perhaps) than you? Thank you so much for all the blessings your fans and admirers receive from being able to relive your performances of Grieg, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Gershwin, Chopin, Mozart and much more. May God continue to give you His more and more blessings as you enhance 21st century music with your committed practice and performance.


There are no words in the English language that can do justice to this performance. Alexander's technical mastery at the keyboard, is beyond belief. In his interpretation of the music he has found his way in to the mind of the composer. Grieg would not only be smiling he would be impressed. Between the pianist, the conductor and the orchestra, we are blessed. David, South Africa.


This young man can stirr emotions that are deeply hidden within the soul-there really are no words to express his wonderful offering-the great composers live within his frame.


In the presence of genius, the mastery of his piano skill and sensitivity to this piece is exceptional.


That admiring look from the conductor at the end of the first movement was priceless.


It's incredible to watch his sheer genius while playing. The level of concentration this man has is on a level I've never seen. There is almost a sixth sense level of awareness between he and the orchestra that is rare. Brilliant performance!


Without a doubt, this young man will someday be remembered as one of the greatest pianists of the 21st century.


This kid makes it hard to breathe!!! Such talent, humbleness and grace at such a young age. It always thrills me to watch his performances, I hope that he tours the USA soon. I would be head over heels proud of him if he was my son!!!


One of my most favorite performances by this young man! Every thing he does is remarkable!


I am completely speechless. What an incredible performance by Alexander Malofeev...and this entire orchestra. I don't think I've ever heard this performed any better by anyone!! BRAVO!!!


Incredible style and profoundness in every single note. All the passion and intensity are there, with no unnecessary superfluous dramatic emotions. Alexander is poised and noble throughout his performance.


Alexander Malofeev and Grieg - a match made in musical heaven. I love Griegs stirring compositions and to hear Alexander playing it like the master intended is sheer untold joy and bliss. I was transported to a planet where music is the air they breathe. Just heaven !!! Bravo Alexander !!!


Unbelievably talented and gifted 17-yo. Precious look from conductor Sladkovsky to Alexander at the end of the performance, obviously very proud of the young maestro. Beautiful performance!


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One of the most legendary intros in classical music!


Alexander touches each key with his soul . . . a gift from God!
