Episode 1: They've Got Your Back | Angels in Your Presence with Omar Suleiman

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Do we have such a thing as guardian angels? What do they do, and how do we experience them?

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Much much better than wasting time on netflix... ramadan is going to be awesome


Everyone is talking about jinns and here they have made a series on angels. Sub han Allah


For the 22 years of my life, I thought each human only has 2 angels to record deeds, subhnallah I didn’t know that actually 4 is assigned to each human. Truly, I can feel the love of Allah SWT


I genuinely love the way he speaks. He doesn't need to be "extra preachy" or exaggerate to get his point across.


When I was 8, the taxi I was in.. was involved in an accident. At the precise moment of a loud crash, I wanted to turn my head. But a strong voice in my head told me “do not turn, do not turn” the next second, the taxi glass mirror shattered on my lap. If I had turned, the shreds would have entered my eyes. Masya’Allah. I never knew how that voice came to my head when I really wanted to turn and look. Allah full of mercy, hd saved my eyes.


The editing of this episode just enhanced what you were saying. We can really see the diligence and hard work put into these videos. May Allah bless the hands who edited the video, the mouth which uttered these beautiful words for reflection, knowledge and remembrance and may He keep you safe and bless beyond what we can imagine and to what He deems best and adequate. Amin, Ramadan Mubarak everyone.


I'm 14 years old and used to watch Netflix now I watch hadiths and inspirational video I'm in yr 10 please can everyone pray for me so I keep doing well in school and may Allah take everyone who is bad or willing to do bad to me or my family away ❤❤🦋


When I was a child I fell while crossing the road and a motorcycle was coming so fast towards me I couldn't move from fear, I suddenly felt something lifting me so fast I just found myself standing dumbfounded on the other side
I was in shock till I arrived home and saw my father I broke into tears
I was 7 years old and till this day I can remember the feeling of me being lifted


I was in a car accident last June and I was travelling on the motorway and was hit from behind at such a high speed and shunned into the metal barriers. My car did spun fully facing the oncoming traffic where a lorry was behind me. Alhumdulillah as soon as my car stopped spinning I exited my car without a single scratch on my body but my car was destroyed. Crying my eyes out listening to this and alhumdullilah so so grafeful to Allah for sending angels to protect me. So many of us don’t even deserve this love but Allah swt still carries on blessing us. Made me so emotional so grateful for Allah swt and all of his creations subhanallah.


🔹️Every person has 1 devil and 4 angels assigned to them. 2 guardian angels: (1 in front of you and 1 behind you) and 2 angels that record your deeds.
🔹️1 devil has been assigned to tempt you towards sin.(of course environment and deeds can attract even more shayateen) but in general, you are more protected than harmed with a ratio of 4 is to 1.
🔹️These guardian angels are with you through out the day. They protect you from any sort of harm that has not been decreed to harm you, even if its an ant that is going to bite your ear. Those angels will shoo away everything.
🔹️The only time a person is harmed, is when that angel is told to step down because Allah has willed a harm to come upon you. Your date of death, lifespan etc was already written by an angel in the womb of your mother.
🔹️As the decree of death comes your way, that is when the guardian angels step aside only for your soul to be transferred to another group of angels that are there to recieve you, with either the shroud of paradise or the shroud of hellfire depending upon your destiny.


Im not muslim but I love watching these kinda vedios ...A sense of connection to divinity is made thru his teachings just leave me in awe ❤️ may GOD bless all 👼


Reminder Series:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "The supplication of every one of you will be granted if he does not get impatient and say (for example): 'I supplicated my Rabb but my prayer has not been granted'." - Sahih Bukhari


Never knew that the 5 minutes i usually unconsciously or willingly kill can open my eyes and shake me to the core. Thank you Yaqeen. ❤


Yet here I am tearing up again 😭 this serie is gonna be really emotional I feel it. I love it already, thanks for sharing the light that Allah bestowed upon you with us. May Allah bless you and your team with everything you do, amine
My brothers and sisters in Islam, let's do our best this Ramadan by trying to finish the Quran 7 times this Holly month! Let's try to get ahead and be among the السابقون 🎉 inshâallah


I was in a car accident a few months back, I collided into a tree and my car was ruined, the whole front was bent by the tree and the engine flew out of the car 7 meters away. My tank was empty, i was just about to refill, if there was fuel in it, it would most likely explode and I would be in a very different situation. Alhamdulila god protected me. This video made me think of it again. Mashaallah.


In the 21 years of my life, i and my family have always found miracles happen to us. Especially in the most traumatic parts of our lives. But i always find comfort knowing that God is always there to hold our hands and help us get through every tough situation in life. 💜


That’s me atleast 17x a day, constantly amazed at how Allah keeps saving me from lil accidents as a result of my clumsiness


Oh how many times have I been saved -
Riding on a bike with bad light but down hill It suddenly stopped. When I restarted bike, I was shocked to see a 7 foot cavity in the middle of the road. Had I fallen in I would have undergone serious injury. And several other times.
Truly we are ungrateful.


Alhamdulillah, I read this duaa in 1996 in hospital with ectopic pregnancy…. I was in full faith about my beloved prophet said about this duaa.After a week of hospital stay my miracle baby travel. She is 25 yr old now with full shining, Alhamdullah and my Rab gave me the love of the Quran as a bonus. I learn the Quran in detail and now on and on.


When we all are busy thinking about the Jinns around us, we totally forget that the number of Angels will easily outnumber the total number of Humans and Jinns all together.
May Allah st protects us from the Shayateen.
