Israel: 50 Years After the 1967 War

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Since the Six Day War, history has unfurled in the Middle East at a rapid pace, impacting generations of Israelis, Palestinians and, indeed, the entire region.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel and Egypt Daniel Kurtzer will moderate a discussion among several Israeli thought leaders and activists on the social, political and religious challenges - and opportunities - for Israel in the next 50 years.

Co-presented by CJP and JCC Greater Boston as a program of the CommUNITY Israel Dialogue and the Jonathan Samen Hot Buttons, Cool Conversations Discussion Series.

Photo: Six day war. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, Chief of staff Yitzhak Rabin, Gen. Rehavam Zeevi (R) And Gen. Narkis in the old city of Jerusalem.

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The Moderator need to reference law. (League of Nations Mandate for Palestine and as was incorporated in Chapter 80 of the UN Charter) The PLO/PA are de-facto sovereign over 98 percent of the Arab population of the recently known region of Palestine post world war I. Israel under no circumstance is obliged to offer Israel citizenship to the so called Arabs that live under de-facto sovereignty.


Well this was intensely fascinating. It was very idea-dense and light on generalities, clichés, and propaganda. Whatever one's perspective, there was much with which to agree, disagree, or kibbitz.

WGBH is a jewel not merely for Boston, but also for the entire US and world (wide web), (I still miss Jamaica Plain regardless.)


when the young woman made her statement about Americans understanding her people's struggle, I cried. we no longer see ourselves as a former colony but as an imperial power with strategic interests.


The nation-state of Israel is an Apartheid State.
I find it difficult to listen to people who seem oblivious to the atrocity of Israeli occupation of Palestine, restriction and prevention of travel and commerce and arbitrary abuses, incarcerations and MURDER of the peoples who have been their 'hosts'.
I support BDS until the Apartheid behavior of the nation-state of Israel ceases.
As a US citizen, I oppose all military aid to Israel (and all internationally illegal military actions and weapons sales including Israel's recent internationally illegal attack on Syria.)
