Spring Boot Angular 8 example - RestAPIs CRUD with Angular HTTP Client
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In this tutorial, we show you Angular 8 Http Client & Spring Boot Server example that uses Spring JPA to do CRUD with MySQL and Angular 8 as a front-end technology to make HTTP request and receive response.
GET /customers/: get all customers
GET /customers/[id]: get a customer by id
GET /customers/age/[age]: find all customers by age
POST /customers/: save a customer
PUT /customers/[id]: update a customer by id
DELETE /customers/[id]: delete a customer by id
DELETE /customers/: delete all customers
– Java 8
– Maven 3.3.9
– Spring Tool Suite – Version 3.8.4.RELEASE
– Spring Boot: 2.1.3.RELEASE
– Angular 8
– RxJS 6
Link to Sourcecode:
GET /customers/: get all customers
GET /customers/[id]: get a customer by id
GET /customers/age/[age]: find all customers by age
POST /customers/: save a customer
PUT /customers/[id]: update a customer by id
DELETE /customers/[id]: delete a customer by id
DELETE /customers/: delete all customers
– Java 8
– Maven 3.3.9
– Spring Tool Suite – Version 3.8.4.RELEASE
– Spring Boot: 2.1.3.RELEASE
– Angular 8
– RxJS 6
Link to Sourcecode:
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