Authors I’ve Read The Most By (Tag Tuesday Edition)

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I just saw Mindy and Summer do this tag and it's a lot of fun, so I tagged myself!

Also, I was very inspired by Kelly to start a book journal, she's been tracking her reading for 25 years. You will see in this video what a mess it was for me to remember the books I have read. I wanted to talk about this but forgot!

Authors mentioned:
10 - Iain Pears
9 - May Sarton (I own 11)
8 - Brandon Sanderson (I've read 11)
7 - A.S Byatt
6 - Rosamund Pilcher
5 - Robin Hobb
4 - Robertson Davies
3 - Iris Murdoch
2 - Miss Read
1 - Agatha Christie
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This is such an interesting tag Gina. I loved Instance of the Fingerpost but it’s the only Pears I’ve read and I’m sure I have some May Sarton floating around somewhere but am yet to read them. Iris Murdoch however, is probably my most read author, I’ve read all 26 novels but only once each, I think this July, her birthday month, I’m going to read a big chunky biography and reread one or two of her early works - the slimmer ones 😉


I’ve wanted to read AS Byatt for years. I only own 2. Robin Hobb is on my want to read list also 😊 Great video! I thought this was a lot of fun!


This was a fab video! Love your beautiful older hardback editions so much. Ah, Rosamund, the queen of the comfort read. I love her but have only read 6 of her Library doesn't carry her at all and all I ever find is her paper backs and their getting harder and harder to see! The Sea the Sea is one of my all time favorite books too. The atmosphere has left a life long picture on my mind and I must re-read it. I use to have several Miss Read books, but sadly gave them away when I was in my clearing out books phase! Now I want them all again and can't find the hard backs anywhere for cheap. The most books I own by one author is...Victoria Holt (9) Daphne Du Maurier (6) John Steinbeck (8). Great tag :)


Good job on this tag! I don’t edit anything either! Glad I’m not the only one.


46 Christie books!! That is a lot. I have read a few of hers and have liked them all. I was thinking of getting more this summer and just binge a bunch of them.


I loved this! I've been getting into Iris Murdoch recently, and when I went to look online about other books of hers, I was knocked sideways by how many she'd released, and it sounds like you've got most of them!


Those Agatha Christies are lovely editions.


I prefer videos that aren’t edited so keep doing what you are doing. Love your taste in authors and the way you adapted the tag. I’ve never read May Sarton or Robertson Davies so looking forward to some new authors to try. Thanks for the great video!


Thank you for the shout out. I love this tag. LOL. It's so awesome to hear your version with the combination of read the most and owned the most. I also had a memory issue because I think I read a ton of books in my childhood that never made it into my Goodreads listings, but were part of series. If it helps, when "Is Bailey Reading?" did this tag, she used the phrase "Most Read Authors" which really cleans up my poor phrasing. :)


Hi Gina! Wow we have similar reading tastes. I love May Sarton. Have you read her book The Fur Person ? It's about her cat.


I read an Iris Murdoch book in 2019 (The Green Knight, I think) and didn't like it, so she's getting one more try from me before I decide that she's just not for me. Should I read The Sea, The Sea?
All of your Agatha Christie books! 😍


I'll be doing this tag on Tuesday. I feel inadequate to do it, since there aren't a lot of authors I read a lot of. I guess I'm not loyal. 😁


Hello Gina another nice video 😁 I find your videos very enjoyable you have a charming and homely vibe to them and no I'm not being rude because I'm English 😁 it's funny isn't it that we can share a word that is a compliment in one country and an insult in another? For once though I'd have to say that in this case BE makes more sense than AmE. Really looking forward to seeing your next installment. All the best Mark and Elvis of course 🐶


Love that Cameo. Nice Video. Someone Loves Agatha Christie 😁


Loved this video! My first and second are also Agatha Christie and Miss Read - yay! After that, it goes Alexander McCall Smith and Sharon Shinn (but more for read books than owned books), Pearl S. Buck, Elizabeth Goudge, Rosamunde Pilcher, D.E. Stevenson, L.M. Montgomery, Dorothy Whipple, Louisa May Alcott, Gladys Taber, Elizabeth Taylor and Elizabeth von Arnim. Whoops, more than Really enjoy the down to earth way you describe the books and why you like them. Such a fun video to watch and thank you for the author recommendations! P.S. I also enjoy May Sarton and read about 4 of her books :)


I just letting you know how great Monica Dickens is, great books


I don't know if I've mentioned this on your videos before, but I plan on reading Brandon Sanderson for the first time over the summer. I was going to start with Mistborn! Is that a book you'd recommend for first time Sanderson readers?


Your glasses are gorge. Giving me French intellectual chic! That ed. of The Sea, The Sea is s t u n n i n g. Really want to read it now!


A lot of authors I’ve never heard of!

P.S. Please don’t ever learn to edit. The gaffes are so endearing! 😉
