Borderlands 2 - Maya can Destroy Hyperius in less than 2 seconds (UVHM)

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**Edit: This method has been patched and no longer works.**

All credit for this methodology goes to stock22 on the Gearbox Forums who figured out this incredible method. Basically, the idea is to use the Hoplite shield (which you can get from Pete in the 2nd DLC) with an Unyielding Banshee class mod which gives +6 in Immolate plus reduces your health. With your Badass Rank turned off, the Hoplite and Banshee will combine to give you negative health, which registers as 0. This will cause Immolate to kick in. Then you can switch shield back to The Bee and you can turn your Badass Rank back on.

From there, you will be using Ruin to slag Hyperius, and then combining Immolate + Reaper + Minds Eye + Accelerate + Foresight + Fire relic to finish off Hyperius before he can even get off his first nova blast.

In this video, I wanted to show the ideal placement for making sure you kill Hyperius. The key is to stand close enough to Hyperius so all of the Fire Sandhawk's pellets hit Hyperius. If you aim at his chest plate, his head will dip down when he tries to summon his nova, which will allow you to hit his critical spots.

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Would anyone be kind enough to dupe me the unyielding banshee class mod level 61? I would really appreciate it. Thanks! xbox: R4fi


- Additional tip - I bring in a guest Salvador character with a +40% Team Magazine size. This puts my Sandhawk's magazine up to 52 bullets, ensuring that I don't lose time reloading if the first few shots don't bring him down.

This is an issue as he sometimes stumbles after the first couple trigger squeezes, taking him out of your retical view, and forcing you to come out of scope, readjust, and go back into scope - which costs you a precious second or more as his shields raise and he novas.


This FINALLY got me a LVL 61 Norfleet (over 150 kills, but still - AWESOME!).

Thanks for the vid. The slag grenade method wasn't working for me. Having to back off to avoid the grenade explosion radius was throwing off my accuracy with all 'Hawk bullets. This way is... light-years better/simpler.

Side question - Any idea why Immolate's icon doesn't pop up on the EXP bar, even though it's being activated? Does it when you truly go into FFYL? Just curious.


Unfortunately I'm not sure what causes that shift. If you stand slightly to right of him, it should make it easier to swipe your gun to the left as he moves. Another useful tip would be to equip 2 Fire Sandhawks. If you run out of ammo in your mag, rather than reload, swap to the next Sandhawk. It's a lot faster than reloading.


After the first time you kill Hyperius, he won't respawn like this until you turn in the quest to Shade. After turning in the mission, restart your game and you can go back to the Refinery and kill him repeatedly.


I got all this equipment and it worked awesome for me but I could only kill him once how are u just going right back to fighting him


If anybody on ps3 has the unyielding banshee class mod I can give you all the other things needed for this set up.


Can someone dup me one i have every think except the class mod i will dup u a fire sand hawk and bee and hoptile


Are you moving your crosshair at all or letting it sit in one place? I can't seem to get consecutive crits.


Is there a way to keep him from shifting EVERY freaking time?? This is basically what screws me over.


I have everything but the sandhawk. If anyone could help ill drop legends and pearls. Psn ItsStugots


Where can I grab one of those mods if u can dupe for me I got some good stuff in exchange


I agree. I don't feel bad for exploiting this one bit, seeing as how they gave Maya an action skill that doesn't work on Raid Bosses (and thus makes all those PL-dependent skills useless in these fights as well).


can someone dupe me every thing u need reply to me if u can and im on xbox


Can u dup me a unyielding banshee class mod? Want to try it out myself!


i'll dupe you the class mod if your bee is max stat or close to it


He doesn't instantly respawn for me, did they patch it?


Gomi do u have one of those class mods????


Loving this in a morbid way. Talk about a glass cannon, though, if you miss slightly because of his stagger it's over. Also, the huge piles of loot have crashed my game several times :)

Maya deserves this easy success, the scaling for half of her Cata tree really is terrible in UVHM.


It needs to be a Banshee mod that subtracts health and gives you boost to Immolate. The +6 in Immolate is where you get your gun damage from. I've done it with a Breakneck Banshee with just +5 in Immolate, but the Unyielding Banshee will give you your best chance.
