What's The Bog Standard MG4 Electric Like?

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This week we've been using one of the cheapest brand new EV's available, the all electric MG4. With great range, zero cobalt batteries and a competitive price, it's no wonder there's a lengthy waiting list for them.
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I got an early one with tinted windows as a free bonus. In general I love it: the range is plenty, the drive is great and I have no issues with the infotainment system. Coming out of winter, the range has improved from 180 to more like the 220 advertised. The lack of lighting and speakers in the rear is a real pity, and the suspension could be a little more comfortable. Whilst no one can argue £26k is cheap, it's not much more than an ICE Skoda Fabia - which is astonishing.


Thanks guys, a very fair review. I’ve got an MG4 and I agree that it is the way it drives that makes it such a good car. The suspension, drivetrain and steering are all set up to make it a pleasure to go down the road, whether cruising on the motorway, potting around town or chucking it around a back road. It gets so much right that the minor infotainment niggles are just that - you see similar complaints about cars costing twice as much


"Being so close to the road" as a positive! Thanks for that, at last. Yes the physics of wobbling about more in an SUV "because I like to see more of the road" has its down sides. I know battery in floor has allowed manufacturers to get away with the SUV excuse so respect to MG for getting us sitting lower where we can feel the dynamics of the car better, its not as tiring on back roads and lets be realistic if you ever meet a moose or worse still need the car to stick to the road in an emergency you stand a lot better chance of a good out come in a car with a lower centre of gravity. Battery in floor EVs are way better than ICE cars anyway but why not have the best, good on you MG.


Lithium Polymer batteries are the firey explody type used in radio controlled models. The polar opposite of LFP - LiFePo Lithium Iron Phosphate used in this car. LFP is a very stable battery chemistry that has much less tendency to go on fire than the other chemistries used in EVs.


I have exactly the same car and it is the best bang for buck "new" EV you can buy by a country mile. Unless you are a badge/tech snob, you really don't need any more than the standard range SE. Also with the LFP battery you can use 100% of the capacity 100% of the time unlike the long range NCM battery. Great video.


Love the casual banter. Informative and easy to listen to…thanks.😊


A great pragmatic video, explaining the ins and outs of a car from the point of view reflecting everyday use. Even the sound system gets a mention - which almost no one else does. I'm edging towards an EV for my next car and it's videos like this that will swing it for me. Thanks.


Have had abog standard MG4 for 2 months now, from a LR MG5.. love it! Very fair review I thought, well done; an excellent all rounder!


If you set the car to TJA it remembers this setting and the TJA function is implemented from a switch on the steering wheel. In this mode, without turning on the TJA, you get small steering tugs when out of lane but I find it quite drivable without having to reset every thing every time I use the car. The LFP batteries probably make the car a safer used buy as they are far more resilient to abuse than the NCM type batteries and was the reason I went for the Standard range car. Also on country road trips when the weather warmed up I can get 4.1 miles per kWh. I find the car impresive but the dealerships less so. Thanks for the video.


I drive a face-lifted MG5, top spec, but recenly had six days in an MG4 base model while the dealer replaced my MG5 central control unit, seven months in to my ownership...
I was very impressed with the ride and responsiveness of the base model MG4. The price is good, unlike the Trophy spec which is around £10k more. The only tech I missed on the base MG4 was the reversing camera. The bleep system is no substitue for actually seeing what's behind you. Thanks.


what a lovely relaxing review by two adults on a trip with a fully compliant passenger well done


I love this channel. An independant EV mechanic is just great.

My friend uses a wheelchair and kept on about EV's. I finally bought an MG ZS EV Trophy Connect after his nagging, which I love! Though the depreciation is shocking! The KERS on the MG ZS EV remembers whatever setting it was last on.

I finally persuaded my friend to look into getting a car on the Motability scheme. Within a week he ordered and within another week picked up an MG4 Trophy.

It's really nice, he loves it and he now has independence.

I think when the time comes to trade mine in, I hope that the 4 wheel drive MG4 will be available.

My biggest criticism is the lack of a rear windscreen wiper!


As a Motability customer ( often driving solo with my wheelchair ) I went to see all the MG EVs and found that the MG4 is the one that seems to meet my needs best. I was really surprised as I expected the ZS or the 5 to be better/more practical but my chair fits nicely disassembled on the front seat and also in the boot - something that the large consoles in the 5 and ZS make a lot harder. I'm still not decided on whether I will actually go with the MG4 when my lease changeover approaches but it's definitely a contender.
Great job with the review guys as always - very practical info conveyed in a nice easy going style.


The sun glass rattle. Our 2018 Ioniq had an annoying rattle that took me ages to find especially as it didn’t always do it. Yep the sunglasses in their holder! Shows how quiet BEVs are.


This model is being released in Australia. It is priced at $42618 on the road, (£22374). There are financial incentives here if you lease.
I’m close to making a decision on buying one.
Great video guys. I love old school dance music also 😊


I test drove all the low cost EVs that are ‘Golf like’ and this was by far the best option given it’s cheaper and drives so well. The only other one that was as good in terms of handling and performance was the Cupra Born but that’s loads more expensive, as much as the MG4 has a plasticy interior compared to the others but do you need to pay £10k for fancy door cards! I love the rear wheel drive and the performance. The cheapest MG4 is actually quicker and has a bigger boot than the Trophy!


I lucked into a cancelled one of these at the end of last year while the ZS EV was still getting silly trade in values and I'm really enjoying it. It's a whole level of finish above the mk1 ZS EV, drives great and I'm seeing really usable range from the LPF battery, it's just started estimating around 225 miles per charge so expect a peak around 250+ in summer. Slight negatives are the software which is a bit laggy and has a few issues with things like Android Auto, the charge rate on the SR is quite a bit lower than the LR/Trophy spec battery but way better than the ZS was and the lack of being able to flick between regen levels from a physical control on all but the Trophy spec cars.


Thanks both - of all EV reviewers I think you are the most fair and straight - which is good cos my MG4 is due in a few weeks!


Great real-world review guys, thank you very much!


You've both done a great job with this video, as ever. Absolutely nailed it, I reckon, and much better than I could.

And I completely agree with your pros and cons.

I share the dislike (I'd say hatred) of the lane assist being on by default every cycle. I'm not overly keen on being unable to switch the car off before getting out and agree that the sound system needs a bit of a beef up. I too like some decent bass, even if everyone else in the family is less keen!

The other reason I went for the entry level LFP battery option is that, as a chemistry, it's far less fussy about being left at a high or low state of charge over longer periods and its lifespan is reportedly anything from three to ten times that of lithium cobalt. Not that the lifespan of lithium cobalt should be of any great concern. I still tend to keep it around 80% if left standing for several days (old habits die hard), though the option to stop charging at 80% isn't active in the car, I've noticed. Even though it looks like you can drag the limit line on the battery screen to set it, it doesn't work. So, I assume that's only active on the long range and Trophy (lithium cobalt) editions.
