The SCARIEST TikToks in The World? [#25]

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Scary tiktoks that made my abuelita cry.

Submit Your Scariest tiktoks!👇


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I think the “bury me with a bell” is a reference to the burial bell which was an actual thing! They used to bury people with a string attached to their hands and feet and it would be attached to a bell outside the coffin. So if the person wakes up they pull the sting and it rings the bell. Apparently a lot of people used to be buried prematurely back in the day 😂


the lady crawling down the stairs is what chases us when we turn the lights off


Obey the Walrus isn't scary when you know the backstory. The woman dancing in the video is a lady named Sandie Crisp. She contracted polio only a few weeks after she was born and the doctors' malpractice caused her body to look like that. Even so, she didn't let that stop her from singing and dancing and performing on stage. She was a really cool woman, and there's a documentary about her called "The Goddess Bunny". She died in 2021 :(


At 19:29, I think there's a psychological explanation as to why the little boy was screaming at the cross. I recently found out about something called ecclesiophobia which is the hyperactive fear of church. It's very possible that this little boy has that phobia and that's why he's screaming at the cross, not because of possession. I'll admit, before I learned of this phobia, I was thinking the same thing and it actually scared me, but now I feel like it's understandable if what I discovered is true. I've never been afraid of church (I was raised Catholic) but I do understand pathological fears (I have nyctophobia and agoraphobia).


I like how at 3:53 Eddie starts to square up for a jump scare


There have actually been patents for “safety coffins” in the event of someone accidentally being buried alive. I looked it up because I remember seeing an episode of Ghost Whisperer there was a story about a girl who was accidentally buried alive but her family couldn’t accept she was dead so when they buried her, they tied a bell that was above ground to her wrist for her to ring if she woke up. I also think The Nun (or what the prequel to those scary movies is called) had bells in the graveyard that were set up for anyone accidentally buried alive to ring. So I looked it up and there were a lot of patents for it, but idk of any were every actually used. So yeah, it is possible to “bury someone with a bell” I just don’t know how you would go about doing that…


"Fnaf drug dealer balloon kid" got me cracked up


I've never met a horrible grandmother. My grandma was a saint. She would always make sure I was happy and doing ok. I miss her, shout out to all the grandma's out there. You make the world a more enjoyable place for the grandkids. <3


19:15 I’m pretty sure something happened, from what I’ve heard, like it fell on him and he didn’t like it because it hurt him. Kids tend to associate objects with events, like if I child was hit with a ball, they may not like that ball anymore. The parents kept shoving it in his face despite him clearly stating he didn’t like it, then claimed he was evil


To be honest, I'd be terrified if my parents ran at me with a cross shouting at me at that age, and the fact that they didn't listen when I wanted to be left alone adds to the annoyance of the situation and fear that I'd have.


The fact that eddie loves dreamcore makes me so unbelievably happy! I love dreamcore so much! It makes you feel like you're safe but at the same time, scared. Like somethings off; like it's TOO perfect


i have been strategically avoiding "obey the walrus" and now you have opened that memory up again...thaaaanks Eddie


19:23 this reminded me of a story my parents told me so : when I was 3-4 y old at night I would start to cry and scream non-stop and that continued for a few weeks until they decided to take me and go see a doctor because it might been a health issue ( I don't remember exactly how they explained it to me) and the doctor said that I am perfectly healthy and maybe it's because I haven't slept enough and I was crying of tiredness, and we returned home and put me to sleep early but that didn't change anything, later that night I started crying again so when they told the things that were happening to my grandmother, ( which is a very religios person) she said that I should go to a priest so we went the next day, they also told me that until we got there I was crying and when we entered the church's doors I was calm and stopped crying immediately and we went to go see the priest and while he told all the prayers and the things he read I was very calm and listened very closely because I was continually looking at the priest and they could do anything to distract me and later that night and for a very very long time I didn't cry at all (and to be clear I forgot to mention that I could speak at the time but when they asked me what was wrong I could not answer because I don't think I knew either)


It would be awesome if Eddie would do a livestream reviewing scary tiktoks.


The kid screaming from the cross probably had Staurophobia (Fear of cross/crucifix) for whatever reason


Eddie can somehow turn scary videos into funny videos 😂


Thanks Eddie for always putting a smile on our faces 💜


I love how Eddie’s reaction changed so quickly at 1:58


Hey, it’s the Milk Demon, the demon that steals your gallons of milk every day!!


Eddie. I would to note that he pans around his living area. That dorm, is a one person dorm. Also known as an Isolated dorm room. 13:26 he pans around it. I've read up on these on my research on possible college living areas. Isolated dorms are for those that prefer to be alone, they cost less or used to. But they're also used for punishment for students that won't stop stealing (pardon my french) shit from their fellow roommates.
