Black Ops 6: The FASTEST WAYS To MAX LEVEL Your Weapons...

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Weapon Leveling is that one thing every year, especially at the beginning of the year that seems like such a mountain to climb. Black Ops 6 is no exception, in fact, it may feel like it takes much longer to level your weapons. So sure, while it's not intended to be conqured or finished in Day 1 and recognizing that yes, we have a whole year to work on weapons, if you're a grinder, if you're trying to get weapons leveled for the upcoming Warzone integration, how can you expedite this process? How can you best and most efficiently use your time to rank up weapons? Well, that's what we're here to discuss today. In this, I'll give you the findings of my personal testing and some recommendations for what I'd consider the fastest ways to level your weapons. Let me know your thoughts as we go along, if you have anything you'd like to add to this, feel free to. We're all here for the same reasons so feel free to share with the community. If you enjoy the video, do me a favor and drop a like on the video and if you're new to the channel, make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with all things Black Ops 6. We've still got so much up on deck that I'd love to have you in the community if you'd like to join us on that road to 600,000 subscribers. But for now, let's get into how to best level your weapons...

00:00 - Intro
01:24 - The Best Multiplayer XP Methods in Black Ops 6
01:48 - Equipment To Give You Tons of Bonus XP in Black Ops 6
03:10 - Perks to Give You Tons of Bonus XP in Black Ops 6
03:58 - Game Modes & Maps to Give You Tons of XP in Black Ops 6
04:46 - Killstreaks Help Give Bonus XP In Black Ops 6
05:19 - The Perfect Scenario For MOST XP in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer
07:06 - The Best Zombies XP Method (& Kind of Only One) in Black Ops 6
07:44 - How to Increase Zombies XP Yield in Black Ops 6
10:18 - Double XP Tokens Are The Biggest Help in Black Ops 6
10:48 - What's the Best Method for XP Farming For You in Black Ops 6?
12:24 - Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like & comment!
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Hey all! You may have seen a few Zombies methods that include the boats or the invincible zipline strat - I didn't include these because those are more than likely getting patched very soon so figured it wouldn't be as worthwhile to the long term discussion. Thanks for stopping by and watching!


Fastest way is to have dispatcher and strategist on your class, perk greed as assasin, play kill confirmed, run uav, counter uav, shoot down all streaks with a launcher. Thank me later


I’m so glad we don’t need to level up our weapons to start grinding camos! The amount of time it would take would be way more than last years Interstellar with the fact that we have way more levels to grind this year


Spy Cam is the best score farm I have found, especially if you're sniping, and your teammates will love it so that's just a bonus


Noob tip: Play 2 zombie games til round 20 to get a decent attachments then go back to MP.
That way you're somehow progressing camo grind both game mode.
This alleviate a lot of stress for me and that's a WIN already.


Smoke grenade spam has ruined every match now it's so unfun and infuriating to even play a single match


I would much rather deal with decoy spam than smoke spam 😮‍💨 since the decoy nerf, my lobbies are absolutely FILLED with smokes 😒


For people with a full time job gonna take forever


Mp feels like you get non or tons of xp while zombies is consistent to time


needed this vid so bad. thanks for all your hardwork bro i know its a lot


Camo grind is a plus. But leveling up (especially to be ready if warzone gets integrated) takes forever. I don’t like the 45+ levels on every gone. Feels like there’s no progress at all


It's sad to me that you're so underrated. I think that your videos are really well made, and besides thexclusiveace and handler, you're one of my favorite call of duty youtubers. Also is the score you earn from zombies the same amount that you'll earn as xp? Because in zombies it looks like you get a lot more score.


Moshpit matches are so short that I question if they truly do offer more XP/hr. It feels as though I spend almost as much time in lobby as in the match.


I was using the shotguns playing zombies the past couple days and they’re maxed out level wise and I didn’t even realize it until you mentioned the xp farm


No wonder I’m constantly in smoke 99% of the time. My god. Thanks bro lol


RIP decoys, I shall miss you’re incessant noise on every map I ever played


There's another YouTuber (I try not to name-drop people on other people's channel) who has found that, at-least prior to the first patch, weapon XP is ONLY earned by kills with the gun, not by anything else (objective gamemodes like kill confirmed don't give weapon XP for picking up friendly/enemy tags).

Weapon grinding is certainly a grind for attachments. I'm currently just trying to get gold camo on guns. I'll likely prestige and run zombies to try to finish leveling guns as I go through. These release maps just don't feel great for multiplayer. I was trying to think "what's a map that has been enjoyable to play on with a variety of guns from one of the last few CoDs?" and what came to mind was Wasteland from the last MW3. ARs, shotguns, snipers, SMGs, all viable on that map. Bazaar is also similar


Decoy spam was there throughout the entire life of Cold War. I always anticipated this getting patched away, and nothing happened. In Bo6, the game isn't out but a few days and the devs lose their minds over it. So odd.


I prefer hardcore bc if I initiate a gun fight and hit my shots I’m almost always winning that gunfight. The amount of times in core that I laser a guy and he just spins around and kills me is absurd


Espresso, you're the man, man! Love these constant videos man keep em up!
