Europe's Space Problem

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Europe may potentially have a space problem. Not so much in terms of having an independent agency that can invest in space, but in terms of keeping up with an age of space that will be centered around commercial space ventures.
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Amazing to see a new(ish) European focused channel


One of the underdogs of the space industry is Italy. The amount of small-to-medium aerospace companies and startups in the territory is really of note, and they’re constantly contracted by the likes of NASA, JAXA, and private enterprises for highly-specialized machinery; most notably of which being optics and imaging and navigational components


I'd like to point out that, unlike the way NASA asks SpaceX to supply a jack-of-all-trades launch vehicle, ESA asks multiple startups to develop different types of launchers. In germany alone there are 7 promsing companies developing launchers, and iirc, the first take-offs will be taking place in early 2022

The media coverage of these companies is lower, which i think is part of the feedback loop that also includes "lack of initial investment from within europe" and "them being acquired overseas". Considering that, in 2018, a good 10% of the EU's total GDP was dependent on space infrastructure, and that Europe is the main player on the block when it comes to Earth Observation infrastructure and technology, it is clear that space and specifically the current and future role of the EU in space, desperately needs to be brought more to the front in public discourse... Which ofc starts with more media coverage.

If i may, you might have a little hole in the content market by properly and comprehensively mapping out current EU space infra and what that means for us and the world at large


The underappreciated fact of space launch is that launches per year dictate launch price. The gross majority of launch cost is non recurring development cost. Therefore each extra launch spreads these non recurring costs over more missions, decreasing unit cost.

Ariane is bloated and expensive, but a large part of its cost comes from the fact that Europe launches less stuff, because our military sector is weaker than the american's, and because the American's have captured the commercial market

You want better euro rockets, you need more investment in satellites, not just rockets. Otherwise you'll end up with a super rocket that just does not pay for itself


I really enjoy your videos as I started living in Europe and the information starts to become more and more relevant. Also the chill logo over the video is very calming!


Not to mention the most optimal spaceport for Europe is miles away from its continent.


2:52 OMG cutting him off after that “yes” is friggin hilarious 😂 🤣 😂 🤣


I will enjoy watching this channel grow and being able to say <<I was there when they had only 500 subs!>>


You only briefly touched upon stage reusability. This is exactly the problem as SpaceX took the capital risk to develop first stage reusability and do it successfully. This is something that Europe and the other US companies cannot achieve. Stage reusability testing will cost billions and involve public failures.


SpaceX may be a problem for Arianespace (a French company) but not for ESA which is more like a client of the space launch industry than a competitor.


I’m British but I would like to see us collaborate more with continental Europe in Space


I think this warrants a comparison of Europe vs. SpaceX:

- components sourced from almost all 26 EU nations (the opposite of "vertically integrated")
- Operates traditonally;
: bureaucracy makes getting enough funding a challenge
: Traditional (NASA-like) values impede rapid development
: Lack of interest due to stifling innovation

- Everything is made in-house (You cannot get more vertically integrated than that)
- Operates as a(n actually good) company;
: backed by the world's most valuable man (Elon)
: focus on efficiency, unlike Boeing and alike
: Is literally the Stanford of rocket ventures (huge interest, innovation) attracts worldwide attention ~and I want to immigrate to the U.S. just to work for them~

Do you see the problem here?
- Sincerely, a Portuguese person


Here before this channel explodes. Keep it up!


i just found you cause of that dutch video, surprised you aren't bigger. your production is really good, hopefully your channel gets bigger dude


Just discovered this channel right now and i love it!!


found your most recent vid and this is the final one before I watch all of them


I still see the issue with Europe as they continue with the Soviet Design Bureau model where a central group of people decide the 'future' and then use tax payers money to build the kit for the future. Unfortunately such command economies usually fail to take into account new tech or innovations as the people involved are vested in the status quo. See the UK Car, Aircraft and pretty much any other of the old nationalised industries that got destroyed when faced with innovative foreign competition as an example.
NASA as a similar problem with the SLS and it's massive group of people & lobbyists keeping the $$$ flowing.
Personally I feel ESA and EU needs to get out of the direct investment/control of the launcher and instead focus on growing a market of 'stuff' to put into space and use European launchers on a bid basis.


Me: I wonder if they managed to pinpoint the source of Europe's space problem ...
video begins: *counting in French language*
Me: Yep, they got it

Full disclosure: I have worked on Ariane 6 project.


On the broadband part, don't worry, we have glass fiber which is, ehh better, cheaper and less vulnerable.


Tnahks youtube recommendations! And thanks Romulus for the great european-focused content.
