My Wife Was Born With Male & Female Body Parts | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

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MORGAN is a hermaphrodite, something she told her partner Curtis before they first met. "I was born an intersex woman, and that is when you are born with female and male parts," she explained. They had matched and been chatting on a dating app, then instantly clicked once they met up that same evening. Five days later they were engaged, and they have been together ever since. However, after the couple began posting about their romance online, people would question Curtis's sexual identity: "Sometimes people think that my husband is gay because I'm intersex," Morgan explained. But she disregards these comments from strangers who don't understand his love for her: "He's just OK with me being different and understanding that I have both parts. That I am more feminine than anything else." Trolls on social media also don't believe that Morgan's condition is real. She is bombarded with remarks like "that's a man, we know", "girl go seek help", and "dude in a dress with a gut". Despite these claims, the couple stand firm with who they are and know they are on the right path. "If people don't like who I'm with and who I'm dating, all I can do is ignore them or pray for them," Curtis said.
Videographer: Adams Wood
Producers: Kathryn Lewsey, Isley Coley-Walker
Editor: Reuben Yarwood
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