James Webb's New Images of 'Pillars of Creation' Reveals Details Never Seen Before!

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NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has captured one of the most stunning images yet; it's the lush and highly detailed landscape of the iconic Pillars of Creation, a place where new stars form within immense clouds of gas and dust. Want to know what he's discovered?
Ready, let's start!

The pillars of creation are a star formation composed mainly of dust and gas; these are so named because of their peculiar pillars shape that extends into a vacuum full of stars.
Although the pillars seen in 3D look like majestic rock formations, they are semitransparent clouds. These columns are made up of cold interstellar gas and dust that sometimes appear semitransparent in near-infrared light; the pillars of creation are dust that moves and expands; these are located within the eagle nebula, which lies within the constellation Serpens.
These cannot be seen with the naked eye or with amateur telescopes. To see them, it is necessary to use professional telescopes, which is why the Hubble Space Telescope captured the first images we obtained of this formation.
First images
The first time the Hubble telescope captured detailed images of the pillars of creation was in the visible light spectrum, where dark clouds surrounded by a greenish gas could be seen, giving the impression that it is a science fiction landscape.

Years later, with the help of the Very Large Telescope (VLT), another image of the same region was taken, but this time in the infrared light spectrum, using the VLT's ISAAC camera; in this new image, it was possible to see the first time a vast number of stars that were hidden by gas and dust.

Thanks to this, it was discovered that this area was a "star nursery," a place where gas and stellar dust accumulate by the effects of gravity to create new stars like the sun, hence the name of this formation, pillars of CREATION.

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Credits: Nasa/Shutterstock/Storyblocks/Elon Musk/SpaceX/ESA/ESO/ Flickr

Video Chapters:
00:00 Intro
1:22 first images
3:00 he Great Revelation
6:03 Do the pillars no longer exist?

#insanecuriosity #pillarsofcreation #jameswebbspacetelescope
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You actually CAN make them visible as an amateur astrophotographer! I did it this summer with my simple 6‘‘ SCT on an alt-az-mount with my daily DSLR-camera mounted behind it. I stacked 60 pictures of the eagle nebula that sits nicely in southwest in the dark center-line of the Milky Way - and I was blown away! Of course it‘s not near these images, but it‘s quite easy to distinguish. This made these almost bizarre images much more real to me.


The total amount of energy in that nebula is beyond massive.


Great video, just one little point i would like to make.
At 8:10 you say the speed of light is 300.00 km/hr. This has to be 300.000km/sec.


"No longer exists" That's why they call it a 'Time Machine'


Okay, bring on all the fun facts and figures! 🤩


I love the pillars of creation.💛 they are so beautiful to me.😊 they are so majestic to me. 👑 I want the pictures of the pillars. 📷 I want the pictures for my phone. I want the pictures for my tablet.💛


This is by far my favorite thing in the universe


Realy I like this video its so so interestyng


The first time that I've seen this I thought this was charizard finally made it space.


Slight mistake, you said light moves at 300, 000kph, it's actually 300, 000 kilometers per *second*
I'm sure you meant to say "second", but you misspoke
It's a lot more impressive this way :D


With the minuscule amount of time humans have observed and photographed The Pillars of Creation, has there been enough detectable changes/movement? If so, won't it be cool if NASA (or any other scientific geniuses) can use this data, and model these movements for the next 65, 000 years. Giving us an approximate image of what The Pillars of Creation could look like now, instead of seeing what they were 65, 000 years ago.


I can't believe that this beautiful form of gas and dust existed 6500 years ago. I wish I had been born much later to find humankind with advanced technology.


Light actually travels 300, 000 km a second


Whoa, You said at 8:10 light traveled at 300, 000 kilometers per hour! You mean seconds don't you?


The Omega Nebula is 6, 000 light years away and the Eagle Nebula is 7, 000 light years away


Light travels 300 000 km/s, not /h.
Or more correctly 299792, 458 km/s


Is this picture the actual picture from the telescope or is it edited


Saying theyre also pillars of destruction is... duh. Everything in the universe is affected by entropy, a birth and death cycle


Can we see the one without makeup on it?
