How To Shake Hands With A Lady | APWASI | Dr. Clinton Lee

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Don't make these TWO simple hand shaking etiquette mistakes and forever be a gentleman!

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Interesting, but should you add something about the Middle East? I was on a business trip in Qatar. During one meeting there was a woman present. At the end of the meeting everyone was shaking hands. I reached out thinking she was about to shake my hand and an awkward silence fell over the room. It was only when they realised I was ignorant to local customs that they politely explained men don’t shake hands with women there. Luckily we all had a little joke about it, but it could’ve been avoided if I’d known.


My mom taught me this many years ago. Not many women knew this, one even made a comment about me not wanting to shake her hand, even though I was waiting for her to reach out.


So grateful for this video... For one, it validates what I have tried to tell young men for years: that to extend their hand to a woman when meeting her for her to shake it is RUDE. Why?? Because when a man puts out his hand to woman for her to shake in first meeting him PUTS HER ON THE SPOT; that is, if she doesn't shake his hand, she is then appearing to be "rude, " thus, the man who extends his hand to the woman is practically forcing her to go through with the expected handshake, whether she wants to or not. This gesture of the man is putting her in the position to either "look bad, " or to "play nice" and to do something she may not want to do.

When a gentleman stands before a lady he has just met, making good eye contact in a friendly but non intrusive manner, he should wait to see if SHE extends her hand, first. When he does this, he is not only showing her respect, but he is showing that he respects her choice to either "shake, " or "not to shake." And all women appreciate a GENTLEMAN, whether they consciously realize that or not.


I came to this video after having a woman routinely shake hands with me at work and with my generation I'm used to women wanting to hug and many men still shake hands. Luckily, I believe I passed the test as she extended her hand first, and I made eye contact as I would with a man, although my grip was at a 1 out of 10.


You just proved my point about Kamala Harris shaking hands with President Trump. She was praised about this, that she offered to shake hands & Trump didn't. He wasn't supposed to extend his hand to her until she did to him.


I dunno, not all women are confident to extend their hand first. But I agree eye contact is necessary. But nowadays during COVID-19, many people aren't shaking hands at all.


I was always taught when shaking hands with a lady to use more of your fingers of your hand, with your wrist turned almost downward, instead of a firm grip you would with a male.


I just want all the men watching to understand that women are not some weird alien species that need special movements or treatment to avoid conflict. Just shake their hand, it isn't hard


I thought the older person puts their hand out first.


Best to avoid shaking hands. Let’s keep the Covid tradition alive and not touch each other.
