Advanced IQ Tests by PHILIP CARTER

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150+ Ebooks Test IQ - EQ - Puzzles and more
List ebooks:
1. 100GEOMETRIC GAMES by Pierre Berloquin


3. 101Short Cuts in Maths Any One Can Do by gordon rockmaker

4. 365Ways to Boost Your Brain Power Tips, Exercise, Advice by Carolyn Dean

5. 501challenging logic and reasoning problems

6. 536 Puzzles and Curious Problems BY Henry Ernest Dudeney

7. a first mensa puzzle book by Philip Carter and Ken Russell

8. AdvancedIQ Tests by PHILIP CARTER

9. Ancient Puzzles

10. Anxiety101 By Zeidner PhD, Moshe; Matthews PhD, Gerald and Moshe Zeidner

11. Beef Up Your Brain by Michel Noir, Ph.D. & Bernard Croisile, M.D., Ph.D

12. Big Ideas for Small Mathematicians Kids Discovering the Beauty of Math with 22Ready-to-Go Activ

13. Big Questions The Answers to Life's Most Perplexing Puzzles

14. Boostyour interview IQ by Carole Martin

15. Boston Celtics IQ The Ultimate Test of True Fandom by David Colburn

16. Brain Busters by Philip J.Carter & Ken A.Russell

17. Brain Flexing IQ Tests by FRASER

18. BrainHacks 200+ Ways to Boost Your Brain Power by Adams Media

19. Brilliant Activities for Stretching Gifted and Talented Children by Ashley McCabe Mowat

20. Calculator Puzzles, Tricks & Games by By NORVIN PALLAS

21. Challenging IQ Tests by Philip J.Carter & Kenneth A.Russell

22. Classic Brainteasers Martin Gardener By Muriel Mandell

23. Clever Lateral Thinking Puzzles by Edward J. Harshman

24. Complete Book Of Intelligence Tests by Philip Carter

25. Creative Intelligence Harnessing the Power to Create, Connect, and Inspire By BruceNussbaum

26. Creativity101 By Kaufman PhD, James C. and James C. Kaufman

27. Crossword Puzzles by Ted. Volume One

28. Cryptic Crosswords How to Solve Them by Fred Piscop

29. Discover Your IQ Potential by PH I LI P CARTE R & KE N R USS E LL

30. Discover Your IQ Potential Over 500 Tests of Your Mental Agility by Philip Carter;Russell Ken

31. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves

32. Emotional Intelligence 101 By Moshe Zeidner, PhD, Gerald Matthews, PhD and Richard D.Roberts, PhD

33. Emotional Intelligence FOR DUMMIES by Steven J. Stein, PhD


35. Emotional Intelligence Works Think, Be and Work Smarter, 3rd Edition by S. MichaelKravitz, Ph.D. Susan D. Schubert, M.A.

36. ESQ- Extraordinary Success

37. Everything Test Your I.Q. Book Discover Your True Intelligence by Nathan Haselbauer

38. Fantastic Book of Logic Puzzles By Muriel Mandell

39. fantastic lateral thinking puzzles by Edward J.Harshman

40. Fiendishly Difficult Math Puzzles by ivan mascovich

41. Figuring Made Easy

42. Figuring The Joy Of Numbers-Shakuntala Devi

43. Fun With Figures by KENNETH WILLIAMS

44. Genius 101 (The Psych 101) by Dean Keith Simonton PhD

45. Great Book of Math Puzzles by Philip Heafford

46. Great Lateral Thinking Puzzles by Paul Sloane and Des MacHale

47. Howto Calculate Quickly Full Course in Speed Arithmetic (Dover Books onMathematics) by Henry Sticker

48. How To Increase Your Brain-Power And Intelligence - with Tips on Excelling in IQ & Aptitude Tests by Kerwin Mathew

49. Howto Pass Advanced Numeracy Tests Improve your scores in numerical reasoning anddata interpretation psychometric tests by Mike Bryon

50. Howto Win at Aptitude Tests Volume II By Iain Maitland

51. Huge Book of Puzzles (2007) by Capella

52. Increase Your Puzzle IQ Tips and Tricks for Building Your Logic Power by MARCEL DANESI,PH.D

53. Intelligence Quotient by IntroBooks

54. iq and psychometric tests Assess your personality, aptitude and intelligence byPHILIP CARTER

55. IQ Brainteasers over 300 Brainteasing Puzzles by Norman Sullivan

56. IQ Grow Your Mind

57. IQ Mindbenders by Joe Cameron

58. IQ Puzzles by Joe Cameron

59. IQ Testing 101 (The Psych 101 Series) by Dr. Alan S. Kaufman PhD

60. Learning Logic Critical Thinking with Intuitive Notation by Stephen Plowright

61. Magical Mathematics by PERSI DIACONIS AND RON GRAHAM

62. Make Your Brain Smarter Increase Your Brain's Creativity, Energy, and Focus by Sandra Bond Chapman Ph.D

63. math and logic puzzles for PC Enthusiasts by J.J. Clessa

64. Math for Life Crucial Ideas You Didn't Learn in School by Jeffrey Bennett

65. Math Puzzles and Brainteasers, Grades 3-5 Over 300 Puzzles that Teach Math and Problem-Solving Skills by Terry Stickels

66. MaTh Puzzles and BrainTeasers, grades 6–8 Over 300 Puzzles that Teach Math andProblem-Solving Skills by Terry Stickels

67. Math Puzzles and game by michael holt

68. Math Tricks, Brain Twisters and Puzzles by Joseph Degrazia

69. Mathemagic Puzzles & Brain Drainers by EDITORIAL BOARD

70. Mathemagic Puzzles and Brain Drainers by Editorial Board

71. Mathematical Fun, Games and Puzzles by JACK FROHLICHSTEIN
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