When To Expect The Results Of Amazon Interview

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In this video I'll explain when you can expect the results of your amazon interview to come through.

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I'm an ex-Amazonian. I worked for Amazon for 5 years, and was an Amazon Interview Bar Raiser. Bar Raisers are the ultimate decision maker on who gets hired, so I know exactly what that decision maker is looking for.
My content is here to help you ace your interview, by giving you insider advice on how to answer Amazon Leadership Principle behavioural questions and supercharge your interview preparation

Learn everything you need to know about how to ace your Amazon Interview

Free Downloadable Resources

The 14 Amazon Leadership Principles Model
The STAR Model and Other Models
The Why Amazon Question Model
Preparation Prioritisation Model

Other great resources

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Hi GG, I wanted to personally thank you for all your videos, I got a positive call from the recruiting manager yesterday and all the interviewers in the loop voted for me. I’m now waiting for my offer. I would have not made it without your support. Thank you again!


Hi Gigi, I just wanted to send you and your team that put together these videos a big THANK YOU. Your videos were key in helping me prepare for my Amazon interviews. I can tell you that I was successful in receiving a great offer from Amazon as a L6 WHS manager. Once again . . . THANK YOU! (BTW . . . I have been recommending your channel to others applying to Amazon)


Hey GG, great content in each of your videos. Am here to say you a big THANK YOU as your videos helped me clear all my interview rounds at Amazon. I got my offer today, happy and so thankful 😊


Happy to see your videos and it was a clear guide to rock the interview out, thank you and I am joining soon


Hi GG, I watched all your videos to understand the Amazon hiring process and understand how to answer questions on leadership principles. It really helped me to prepare for my loop which happened last week. And finally I got an offer from Amazon. Thanks for the great contect.


Hello Gigi,
I watched all of your videos and it helped me in getting an offer from Amazon.
Thank you so much for all your help.
Overall, I am impressed with the Amazon interview process and felt it was very transparent.


These videos are super helpful, thank you so much for investing the time and resources to build this channel out.


Hii mam i applied for vsc job hr called me after talking sometime she said she will send the information to other guy he will check ur language will he call me Or not


LOL, I've had 3 full interviews of 4 people each and I've never had amazon follow up after the interview. So much for commitment.


I wanted to get your thoughts on my situation. Had phone screening last month with the HM and it took two weeks for the recruiter to reach back out for loop scheduling. I had my loop interview and it is now working day 7 with no update. I emailed the recruiting team two days ago and have been ghosted. Any thoughts on that? I previously interviewed with them at the end of 2023 and had a much better candidate experience. Turnaround after phone screening was a day or two and was contacted 3 working days after my loop that they wanted to offer me the role, which I ended up declining. So I'm just trying to figure put what has changed in the last 8 or 9


I just completed my loop. I didn't underestimate how tough the questions and follow-ups were, but what I underestimated was how draining it would be. I felt drained during the 4th (out of 5), and the quality of my answer suffered. If given a chance again, I would schedule the interviews spread across 2 days. I thought getting it over it in one day is the way to go… but the drain was too much. I answered about 20 questions.


I had my interview loops this monday. Today is friday which is 4th business day. Expecting results. Im freaking out and constantly checking emails. Hope its a yes. Thanks for great content!!


Hi Gigi,

Your videos are absolutely amazing and helped me nail my Interview!
My on-site interview was on Monday, that is 2 days ago, and it went well. Hoping to hear back from them soon as I know Saturday and Sunday will be a holiday so maybe by next Monday. I'm nervous though!! Ha Ha


Hi GG! I watched a lot of your videos to prepare for the interview with Amazon I had today you helped A LOT!
but now I’m not pretty sure how it went do you have any points for either it went well or not?


Hi Gigi,

Your videos were absolutely amazing and helped me nail my 'Why Amazon?' question!
My on-site interview was this friday and it went well. Hoping to hear back from them soon as I know monday was a holiday so maybe by tomorrow or day after. God this is making me nervous haha 😄


Hi Gigi, I've following you for a while, and your videos are great! I have a question: With your experience, you think that a local candidate has more opportunity to get hired over an International candidate that will need to relocate?


Hello thank you so much for your advice! Quick question, I was told that I’ve been inclined but they’re still waiting on a final offer, it’s been a week since that email and haven’t heard back, what are my chances on getting the offer?


Hi GG, yesterday I had my loop interview for L4 HR Partner (I‘m L3 Ops Lead) and according to feedback I got from all 4 interviewers I did good. I‘ve heard there are 3 more scheduled interviews with 3 external candidates, I am curious how this’ll turn out. I wanted to say thanks for all the videos you posted, it helped a lot! 🎉😊


Hi Gigi,
I had 2 interviews with Amazon on Oct 18, 2021. They called me on Oct 20, 2021 and informed me that the feedback was positive and asked me questions about my current salary and the expected salary, then they hanged up the phone. I emailed them the same day asking them about the next step. The recruiter told me she is awaiting for the final feedback from hiring manager.
Now today is Oct, 31 and I didn't hear back from them. I am thinking that they might not liked the salary expectation and maybe they are interviewing other candidates now. What do you think the reason for the delay?


Hey I am Sharan from India, I have given my interview with HR on 21 September, they told me that I'll receive my results in 5 working days but today is the 7th working day and no response from Amazon, please help me
