How a GOLD Player Gets CHALLENGER CS With This Guide! - Skill Capped

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How to Get CHALLENGER CS Overnight!

How to Farm in the Mid Game Guide: In this guide you'll learn how to get challenger level CS in platinum and below by knowing how to get all the farm on the map that low elo players tend to miss out on. Enjoy!

Concepts: how to cs, how to last hit, how to farm, how to lane, how to climb, skill capped, league of legends, how to macro, macro lol, lol guides
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let us know how ur average CS numbers increase friends (before and after!)


"Collect all the waves nasus is splitpushing"

Unless you're someone who can actually survive a nasus tower dive, this is not recommended


2:40 you forgot it's the shortest lane to run it d-....I mean teamfight


“Have good map awareness so you don’t die” *enemy has m7 Evelyn*


The old theme kicking in at 6:36 i can't be happier 😭


skill capped: how to get challenger cs
me who mains jungler: interesting


You know, it’s really annoying when I’m playing Aatrox or Jax and I splitpush botlane and the enemy sends 3 at me but then my team decides to walk over to me instead of doing baron or taking mid towers.


Not first
Not second
Not third
Just late


Lucian got mid tower while the whole team died around dragon.
A dozen of question marks on Lucian.
Team rage quit.


If only my supports were not obsessed about following me to every lane throughout almost the entire game


10:30 i wish that was the case in low elo. What actually happens in low elo: We get baron buff, and my team goes to farm the jungle, where they get caught and we instantly lose baron buff.


I've been playing ARAM only for many years and got tired of it (it's actually dogshit) and went back to summoner's rift recently.
Whenever I play it's always surprising how many people just leave waves with 10+ cs push to their turret, I thought people got better over time but they still do the same mistakes as back then!
I think when you said "being scared of being blamed for not grouping" you made the best point in the vid!
Lots of people actually don't want to group but peer pressure's a bitch


I managed to miss every single canon 5 ranked games in a row so I'm probably beyond helping


Can we get something like "Ask Hector" series, where we ask some questions and he tries to answers them in next video


5:40 "GGEZ mid gap. Our mid laner is an idiot"

Followed by a lot of question mark pings.


at 6:30 saying that your team can poke them off baron while you get towers is really funny, as i already know 100% for a fact, that my team instead will hard-engage their team and get quadra killed by the 0/7 master yi. As i have seen it happen several times before


I'm a low-dia high plat jgl main and can confirm, sometimes it was me that actually understands how the lane works, and I get to farm all those "unwanted" waves.
I often end up the same or more CS than mid/adc, and I'm not even a carrying jgler (means I never steal cs from the laners).


This is pretty helpful. I pretty much just play norms and as Zoe I'll often start to get a lead but before I can really snowball both teams decide to start going ARAM ridiculously early and I lose my lead. It may be time to ignore them when they start doing that to get my cs up when possible. I tend to get As almost every game but I have yet to get an S for mastery due to my cs and it's embarrassing having 80k points but still only mastery 5, even if I'm usually not doing poorly.


11:50 When you try to split push, let's not forget that the whole team will swear at you even though you are doing the right thing. They don't know a single thing about split pushing and swear at you because you are doing it. Last game I did this, was when 3 enemy pushing bottom lane while I was pushing the mid lane. The reason that I didn't go to the bottom lane is, there were only 1 ally and I wasn't fed enough to protect our tower, so I tried to get the most gold out of the mid tower instead of walking to the bottom lane for 20 seconds and sitting there or probably dying.


If you see at least 3 enemies on the map and they are not on the lane you‘re currently farming - continue farming. If you see no enemies stop farming, retreat, wait until you see more than 3 enemies and go to the opposite side lane that they‘re on.
Easy as that.
