Karliene - The Lady of the Lake

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The Lady of the Lake
Written by Karliene Reynolds 2023


In times of old, when man was young
Our world was filled with faerie song
And in the crystal lake, so blue
There lived a lady fair and true

For worthy men, she gave the sword
Till worthy men grew vain and proud
Cut all the trees and paved the heath
Broke take round and crowned the fiend

Lady Nimue
Lady of the Lake
We have lost our way
Gone are the voices of the Fae
Gone are the voices of the Fae

For worthy men, she gave the sword
Till no soul, she deemed worthy of
For we all serve the dark machine
We bow to lies and tyranny

Guardian of the sword
No soul worthy of
Kings of cruelty sway
Hear us Nimue
Hear us Nimue

Lady Nimue
Lady of the Lake
We have lost our way
Gone are the voices of the Fae
Gone are the voices of the Fae
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Lovely story, well told! Your music evokes the old magicks of creation.


A year ago, I started painting this woman in water and I kept hearing “lady of the lake”
This resonates so deeply. Thank you for reminding me again. 💗


So beautiful! I love this Folk sound and the song theme 😍


The Lady of the Lake will always be a mystery, but one thing that is most certain is that her wisdom and knowledge is something extraordinary.


"I give my body, heart and soul, to the Lady whom I seek. No plea for help shall find me wanting. No obstacle will stand before me. No evil will taint the lands bequeathed unto me. When the clarion call is sounded, I will ride out and fight in the name of Liege and Lady. That which is sacrament, I shall preserve. That which is sublime, I will protect. That which threatens, I will destroy, for my holy wrath will know no bounds. Honour is all. Chivalry is all. Rejoice, for we, the Knights of Bretonnia... will be your shield."

—The combined vows of the Knights of Bretonnia.
Warhammer Fantasy.


When you're looking for songs inspired by Avalon mithology and find this new song first! As always, great Karliene.


It feels like your telling history rather than singing it's very beautiful...as I continue to listen to this beautiful peice i will get something different everytime. ❤ Blessed be karliene


This is so beautiful! There is a Norse goddess that is very special to me called Idunn, very little is known about her other than being keeper of the apples that keep the gods young, and being the wife of Bragi (god of skalds, poets, and musicians), but historians believe she is cross-culturally connected to Nimue and Avalon (land of apples). And I have always loved Nimue since watching Hallmark's Merlin as a child. Thank you for this gift of song. I think Bragi is pleased. 😊


Your discography is becoming more and more fairytale-like. I dig it! Great choice of instruments too.
It's cool to see so many artists working on underwater themed songs at the moment!
Ourselves, we're working on a mermaid song "Call From The Sea".
Hopefully we'll be able to share it with you soon, very curious to know what you'll think of it :)


Your voice never stops amazing me. The lyrics enough tel the story of rise and fell of the Fae folk. How they once roamed the forests and lived in blissful mystery. But now that men has cut trees and hunted, now everything was reduced to mere fairy tales stories. The last renmant of those believers lament and cry for the absence of the queen.


Your amazing song makes me believe this is the way music was played and sung when the world was younger and bravery, beauty, and grace were commonplace in both nature and folk.. Even with these qualities in abundant supply all around, you would have stood alone as the perfect embodiment of all that is good and fair. And it's all the more sad that such a time is long past and may never be seen again except in your music.


as someone studying history and planning to write books, this song hits really hard because it somewhat symbolises all that is lost. Once where i lived there propably were once other gods and stories, but now there are none who remember it and this saddens me greatly.


This is so magical and so beautiful. I've listen to your music for so long and every single song makes me come alive and wish for a purer time. I'm also a sucker for anything Arthurian cause I'm an English Lit major with my focus in Arthurian legend😂😂. The Lady of the Lake has always been my favourite character, her story- all versions of it- speaks to me loud and clear and you Karliene have just given me an amazing story ❤ So, thank you Lady Karliene for your light, your love and your stories ! I would be so lost without them

EDIT: so theres the Queen of Camelot songs ( The Wolf and the Moon is my favourite- Lancelot and Guinevere are told so well ) and the The Lady of the Lake ! I hope for more Arthurian inspired songs ! I feel giddy like a littke girl on Christmas.


Absolutely beautiful, as always. Your voice is amazing and your songs are always beautiful to listen to.


So gentle and hypnotizing melody... Thank you very much for sharing your talent.


The Lady of the Lake
By Faith Spina

Haunting mists of distant lore
Calling me forevermore.
Listening to the voice
Rise above the constant
Quietly she speaks
To thee…
Whispering secrets
So eloquently,
Deep into
The Mystery…
Holds the key
To set us free.
Take a voyage
Of the soul,
Ancient memories
For us to know.
Clear the path
To heal the way,
Through the shards
Of aged decay.
Breathe new life
With winds so bold,
Warm the fire
Which has grown
Purify the cells anew,
With the waters
With in you.
Tidal waves
Awash with love,
Clearing all the
Channels above.
It is the time
For all to see,
The I has merged
Into the we.
One with all
The Lady speaks…
Courage to replace
The meek.
It’s time to remember
To enter the moment
Of the now.


This is absolutely beautiful!! Your songs are so amazing and powerful and I love the stories you tell with them


😂 I love how you forgot to set the new song to public. I tried watering my trash bin today instead of the plants. Mistakes Happen. I really love this Song, I'm a huge Fan of the Artus Legend and always thought living in a clear blue Lake must be so peaceful.


Oh my very breath, this is simply stunning.
The Celtic/Medieval feeling from the instruments brings such life to this song
Karlien your words and voice create the life of Nimue and her World.
Once heard, another unforgettable song ❤


The God's Watch then...