Zod + Generics is HEAVEN

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Using Zod as the source of your types is extremely productive. With a couple of simple generics, you can power amazingly powerful abstractions with minimal type annotations.
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0:00 What is Zod?
0:47 Building a form library
2:23 Building a REST API
4:10 Summary
Become a TypeScript Wizard with Matt's free TypeScript tutorials:
Follow Matt on Twitter
0:00 What is Zod?
0:47 Building a form library
2:23 Building a REST API
4:10 Summary
Zod + Generics is HEAVEN
Learn Zod In 30 Minutes
Turn interface generic based on Zod schema (1 answer)
Generics: The most intimidating TypeScript feature
Zod Makes TypeScript Even Better
Stop Using Zod!! This is 10x Smaller!
Zod's Object Parsing: A Game Changer for TypeScript
The best TypeScript library just got better
Zod Goes Where TypeScript Can't
Zod: Simple Data Validation In JavaScript
Fastest Way to Auto Generate Types for Typescript and ZOD Schema
Zod Tutorial - All 10 places for Zod in your React / Next.js app
How does ZOD work? Build it yourself!
Build a CRUD API with TypeScript, Express, MongoDB, Zod and Jest
If you use TypeScript on the backend AND frontend, use zod for validation
Zod для валидации API и форм
This saved me HOURS of refactoring time
🔥 Industry trend: Zod is taking over web apps
SvelteKit Form Validation with Zod
The Power of TypeScript Generics
Zod : Parse your Data Get Typesafety
TypeScript: Should you use Types or Interfaces?
🔥 Fetch Better! Type & Runtime Safety with Zod-Fetch
You're typing process.env wrong