Why I’m Starting a Dog Rescue Coffee Farm in Southern California | Flip's Farm

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My husband and I changed everything in the 90’s…sold our house in the suburds….moved out in the sticks and built a shelter…..completely no kill!!! It’s not a big operation but we have rescued 200 dogs over the years and rehomed about 80❤️❤️ya’ don’t have vacations or days off but don’t care 💓💓💓


"Nothing's better than dogs and coffee"

I love this


I'm hardly able to contain my excitement for you! What an amazing journey you're living Rocky! I'm a "cat person" - I don't drink coffee - what am I doing here 😂 But I came for heartwarming rescue stories and stayed for your loving energy and positive overall spirit. I wish you all the best and I'm convinced all you do will pay out greatly because it's for a higher good. Thank you to you and your team! It's overwhelmingly beautiful to see, that loving, caring, passionate humans still do exist ❤


Yes, all my life I knew EXACTLY what I would do if I won the lottery! Build a dog rescue! I'm almost 70 now so its not in my cards this lifetime, but to know that somehow my small donations to you may have helped to build this farm is VERY heartwarming. I have no question in my mind that, with Flip's Farm, you will help even more animals than you do now. Thank you YT, Rocky and family, staff, and ALL YOU SUPPORTERS out there!!! 💙🙏💛 Janice


You did it Rocky!!! I´m as happy as you for this wonderful news!! You might not have won the lottery, but the world won the lottery when you were born. God bless you and your helpers, sponsors, fans, etc!!


One month ago, I’ve never heard of you and all you do for dogs. After accidentally seeing a video, I’ve since seen all of them, am a member and can’t stop watching and showing others all that you do for all the beautiful dogs needing love and homes. Thank you, Rocky, Kelly, ur dogs and ur beautiful babies for having the heart to open your world to me. You inspire me.


What a lovely tribute to Flip. I’m in tears. You are an angel.


4.4 million subscribers...YES YOU DID!
Thank you for all you do!


You are one of Gods Puppy soldiers! God bless you young man!


Flip's Farm dog rescue--I cannot imagine a more perfect tribute to Flip. You are an inspiration, Rocky.


Such an amazing way to honour and remember Flip and to support so many more deserving dogs.


Flip was the name of my mother's family dog, a boxer. They still talk about him even though he has been gone for over 50 years. Dogs are special. So happy you get to do this.


Rocky, it’s such an honor to be a small part of the awesome things you do for these precious fur babies. I’m a member and I just ordered some coffee!! I hope you continue to be blessed and are able to help these dogs, they need it. God bless!


I’ve been watching your vids for months. As a disabled person, I deeply feel the pain and loneliness and anxiety and depression and the feeling of being unloved by these precious angels. My late husband and I rescued three cats over 30 years together - right off the dangerous streets of Brooklyn. There is no greater bond of love when you can offer these poor animals the first soft and warm surfaces they ever experienced to begin their healing. Their first water bowl with ice on hot days. Their first real healthy meal. Their first cuddles and outpouring of comfort and love you provide them. I have only two cats left. Once they cross over I will visit my local shelter and find an older dog that I can give love to and make his remaining years the best he could ever have. That is because of you Rocky, Kelli and Alexis and the whole team. I am so proud of you for setting up this doggie farm and I want to support its growth. I’m sorry I dont like coffee, lol, but if you expand to hot chocolate I’ll be all over that! Plus I’ve been dreaming of the pink tshirt and hoodie so I’ll get them when they are back in stock.

I wish I could do more but I just dont have the financial means to give. I am gonna give up some things happily to cover these costs. God bless you all for all you do. God bless you all for loving and unselfishly caring for these precious angels. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. You are all precious angels too. ❤


Wow, i am in tears. I think, all of our dogs, who passed away, are watching this, and are happy.


Watching some of the adoptions makes my heart feel so good, thank You so much for all the love. god Bless You all. ❤️🇨🇦👍🏻💋


I'll proudly use my flip mug drinking my iced tea (not a coffee drinker). I have laughed and smiled and cried watching your videos. You have a beautiful heart. Thank you.


Beautiful!❤ 🐕🐶 Flip got his name for flipping his paws. Now Flip's farm will flip dogs from struggling situations to thriving forever homes.❤ 🐕 🐶


Rocky, I am so proud of you. I cannot even watch a full video it makes me cry. You are amazing!


What WONDERFUL people you are caring for the sick and abused animals. ❤
God Bless you.

These dear dog's that don't have a voice.😢
I Pray every dog find's a loving home.

The World need's more people like you guy's.
