Experiencing Failure to Launch? Blast off With Your Remote Online Notary Business! 🚀

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Meeting Notes

The Top Reasons Notaries Are Not Finding Success as a RON Notary

Not Even Getting Started or Not Following Through With Getting Started
Having your RON Commission does not mean you’re a RON Notary
An unemployed actor who waits tables, is still a waiter, right?
Start with the National Notary Association
Read your State’s RON Notary laws, regulations, and statutes

Not Picking The Right Platform (or Platforms) & Failing to Learn How to Use Them
Notary Stars helps review most of the RON Platforms out there
We have comparison sheets
You need to know the difference between those who give business and those who give you an opportunity to take business

Failing to create documentation on how RON works ahead of time!
Create your emails, literature, flyers with QR Codes, etc
Prepare your client journey ahead of time- who, what, when, where, and why… but make it easy.

Failing to Expand Advertising & Convert Signers to RON
Have you updated all your listings to include RON? GMB, YELP, Notary Stars?
I teach Dynamic Websites (brief example). Start advertising outside your service areas and converting those signers to Remote Online Notarization
Make sure to use SEO words and words that make your possible clients comfortable with your ads - Not RON Notary but Virtual Notary etc..

Not Knowing What You Can and Can’t Notarize Online
Loan Documents have to be approved by both Title, the underwriter & the Lender
You can still advertise for Seller Files, Vacant Land, Power of Attorney (If your State Allows), and Cash Deals! Yes, cash deals rarely have any Notarized documents but they can have security of the signers on camera.
Not all States Allow Power of Attorney
There are still tons of documents that can be Notarized online!
Affidavits, divorce settlements, school forms, & more!
Make partnerships with car dealerships, construction companies, schools, military personnel, divorce attorneys, personal injury attorneys, doctors (like plastic surgeons, tech industries (cell phone towers), Hollywood studios! THINK BIG!!!
Adoption and retirement companies too

Believing that Real Estate is Where All the Money Is (It’s Just the Tip of the Iceberg) and you can make more in other industries!

Failing to properly advertise or see the bigger picture
You are no longer bound to a single zip code, city, or State! You’re not even bound to the United States!!!
Start local but go far! Go outside of your service area. Visit those more rural areas where a mobile Notary might cost a fortune. If they’ve got power or Internet, you can service them!
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