Why Bulgarian Training just... kinda sucks

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Bulgarian system worked and still work for Bulgarian weightlifting. 8 million country with significant more medals and records than any other country.


My understanding of the Bulgarian system was that there was a very small number of lifters that could actually take on this much volume/whatever and those lifters benefited from this insane training method...The rest of the lifters? Who cares.they dont make the team anyway..So as relates to the average Joe this system isnt likely to be the best option unless you are one of the few that can handle it...


Bulgarian system was designed for elite athletes who already had strong technique and were training full time. It seems like you are not taking those things into account. You can't just say it sucks. It may suck for your situation but it certainly didn't suck for their situation.


Just for info some numbers to tell you bro. For 20 years bulgarian weightlifting team won so many gold medals than every other team from any OTHER SPORT'S. THAT'S FACT'S. So you just trying to get more viewers with this video bro. Also for info this athlets training since they are 12-13 years old, no one start teaing wirh maximum from the first day. And for sure they take PED's like every other team. And don't forget that Bulgaria was just 8 milion people, against multimilion country's. Don't embarace yourself with this kind of videos bro.


The Bulgarian system is to turn the strong lifter into an Elite lifter. The system has brought results. It is brutal, but it works.

Not wise to diss on it.


Oscar Figueroa, an Olympic gold medalist, says in a documentary about his career that before the Olympic games in London, the head coach of the Colombian team was Bulgarian and his methods were brutal and all that that you explain about always train with maximum weight only lead to an injury in Oscar's spine right before the games in Beijing that stayed with him all his life and that almost got him paralyzed. Also, when the coach knew Oscar was injured he just abandoned him and even refused to be with him at the platform because for the coach, an injured lifter was worthless.


Of course it's not suitable for average people. In competitve environment you need to break that mental barrier over and over again in order to feel comfortable durung comp. Look at the latest Olympics. Karlos didnt miss a single lift and made a WR like he was going to get a cup of coffee. He was on holiday in France. Thats because he already overachieve that in trainings. He is ready for the next few records as of today...and only few can handle the damage.


You can ask Pyrros Dymas about Bulgarian Also Kostas Kenteris in And about PED? So Bulgarians took drugs other are clean? 🤣


This guy really went out there to talk shit about 40-50 year old (obsolete) training system just so he can advertise his subscription based app. You are saying everybody was doing this system which is generally not true. Only individuals above 18 specifically performing well on nation wide tournaments ended up in the national team. The system was cycles between light and heavy periods. He also made bunch of mock tournaments inviting bunch of individuals so they can get used to perform around audience and include in-between rivalry. Huge focus on every clean & jerk movements and snatch movements us exercises as clean pull, snatch pull, front squad were also performed on daily basis. But doesn't matter u are only here just to sell your app not to actually research nicely performing systems (which are obsolete by today's standards).


I like you. You have balls. I like balls.
-Team America: World Police


For this, Max Aita trained under him and his account of his experience got me familiar with the Bulgarian method.

Going to max has its time and place, but for most of us mortals (without the PEDs) probably better to refrain from it.
