Best And Worst Diets Of 2019, Including Keto And DASH | TODAY

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Looking to lose weight in the new year? Good Housekeeping nutrition director and registered dietitian Jackie London weighs in on which diet plans to follow or skip.

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#2019Diets #KetoDiet #TodayShow

Best And Worst Diets Of 2019, Including Keto And DASH | TODAY
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The DASH diet is worthless. I’ve never had a patient get healthier on it. The Keto diet, however, has helped hundreds of my patients improve their obesity, diabetes, and many other chronic conditions...


Are you seriously??? Corn Oil & Canola Oil aren't GOOD FOR YOU!!!!


When she recommended canola and corn oil she lost all credibility to me.


My moms Cardiologist told her that the DASH DIET he wouldn't recommend it, he told her to try the KETO Diet.


Am I in the Twilight Zone? Canola and corn oils? Wheat? What?


LIES!!! KETO is FANTASTIC! Keto has been around for thousands of years!


I recently started.the keto diet and already feel better energy wise and less bloated. I don't like how i feel when i eat carbs. Whether whole grain or wheat. Since i started the keto diet my sugar craving have diminish about 70% and i have not eaten anything with sugar at all, which for me is amazing since i have not beem able to say no to sweets in years. So far i am loving the keto diet and the food is delicious!


Whole grains, canola oil and corn oil? WHAT??? That's what's wrong with America


My thought exactly please stop telling people to eat canola oil there is not a canola plant on God's green earth


Big Pharma and Big Food industry fears the Keto diet. If everyone went on the keto diet, both would lose so much money it would be mind boggling. Do keto and reverse diabetes, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and skin issues to mention only a few. Not to mention on keto you never get hungry and weight falls off like magic. My wife's A1C dropped from 9.9 to 5.3 and she's now off her meds just from going low carb (not even full keto) Why don't doctors tell their patients about this? Money?

People have been on Keto for decades. It's very sustainable and you can do it for life and continue to reap the health and nutritional benefits with the knowledge you will be eating the healthiest way possible.

Here's how keto has helped me:
1. Lost 50lbs in 4.5 months
2. Sleep is so good now
3. No longer wake up to pee 3-8 times a night (perhaps once or twice, but usually none).
4. The rashes and dry skin I had on my face are now gone
5. Blood pressure is 108/68
6. Average glucose is 92
7. All blood tests are good and my doc is happy
8. My pants are falling down

Carbs are not necessary to eat at all - you DON'T need them! Your body will make glucose from fat as it needs it. I consume less than 10g of carbs a day and I feel the best I've ever felt. I find it very easy and not limiting at all. I'll never go back to burning sugar again. Eat fat, lose fat!


They say with Keto you don't get enough of the micronutrients... but thats why you have loads of salad/vegetables! These people are getting paid by someone smoking cigars in an office high up. .


Wow. What a load of garbage. At least she didn't say that veganism is good because it's actually the exact opposite. Some of that made absolutely no sense and you better stop with the canola and corn oil immediately. This is an outrage


terrible dietary advice... Carbs are not essential!


I don't think this is good advice.


This is all complete Bull! Corn oil and canola oil? Really? Who is paying you to say this?


Take this women's licence away please .


I do IIFYM and love it. No limitations. I can eat what I want so I never feel restricted which is the best thing.


She is so full of it. There is no research to support what she is saying, only guesswork. I have been on keto for 4 months, I am down 25 pounds and my health has improved. I had my lab work done, and all of the results that for years have been bad are normal. My blood pressure is down to normal. My joint pain is gone, and my heartburn/reflux is no more. No other diet I have tried has shown any kind of overall improvement.


There is tons of research regarding Keto!!! Check out what Duke university’s Dr Westman. She is teaching old school beliefs. She needs to do more research on Keto!


Lol this lady doesn't really know what she's talking about.

If she knew more about keto she'd know that we eat lots of greens which include potassium, and meat contains magnesium and dairy contains calcium.
