The 5 Easiest Strategies in BTD6 for Free CHIMPS Wins!

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5 Incredibly Strong Strategies for Easy CHIMPS Wins. The first is the Prince of Darkness + Apache Prime Combo. This works amazing as long as you're playing on a map where there is only 1 active track at a time. The second is the Sub Army. This is strong at every stage of the game but requires a good amount of water to be able to place enough submarines. The third easy strategy is Striker Jones and Moab Mauler spam. One of the best strategies in the game, and when you're playing on intermediate or beginner maps it is very easy to pull off. The 4th strategy is Obyn and Poplust Druids. As long as you have the space to place them all the Druids should be able to handle the rest. And the easiest strategy in BTD6 is Sauda + Relentless Glue. This does so much midgame damage that you can basically save up to any monkey or upgrade that you want.

0:00 PoD & Apache Prime
4:45 Sub Army
10:38 Striker Jones & Moab Maulers
13:58 Obyn & Poplusts
17:46 Sauda & Glue

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What other strategies do you think could/should be on this list? I'm sure I missed a few 😅


At risk of sounding like a bot, I just want to say that I love your videos, they are fun, straight to the point and they have help me a lot in the past. My favorite is Obyn + Poplusts Druids and also Obyn + Grand Master Ninja + Shinobi Ninjas to buff it (I know that last one isn't in the video, but still is, for me, a fun one to do)


I wish Hbomb did an April fools video where he just gives us really really bad strategies while saying it's the best chimps strat


Just as I was beginning to black border every map. Perfect timing


Besides being a very reliable CHIMPS strategy for many maps, PoD + Apache also has the bonus of easily being usable for 2TC, the So Spiiicey Ninja Kiwi achievement, and the No Harvest achievement, and the Apache itself can be easily used for both 2MPC and the All for One and One for One achievement


aight ive played WAYYYY too much chimps so the easiest strats:
1: get a spirit. its that simple. just get stuff to pop big moabs (relentless, maim moab, moab press, first strike, spike storms, etc)
2: primary village - get a tier 5 dps tower then just abuse stall. grab relentless, embrittlement and as many moab presses as you can afford
3: get a spectre or super glue - would not have recommended these till latest patch but theyre great now, pls trust me
4: pop & awe + battery spam - use striker & village and youre chillin
5: sniper spam - maim moab + elite sniper + elite defender + tons and tons of bouncing bullets, all alc buffed. great for multi lane maps
6: carpet of spike is busted
7: special poperations and absolute zero is VERY strong DO NOT SLEEP ON THESE
8: spiked mines or berserker brew + spiked balls are always a great investment for their price


A strat from Reddit that I enjoy is Etienne + triple Tech Terror. Discount villages make Super Monkey purchases so much easier, and Etienne covers the camo detection. Getting him and a village down in a Ninja-alch early game will help make the Robo Monkeys easy to buy and use. Abilities are best used to eliminate DDTs and having the arms target First+Strong will help them take care of ZOMGs as well.


The real easiest strat is to just use Geraldo + any tower that can use his buffs. Gerry solos everything before round 90 with minimal effort, then turns your other tower into Goku for the last 10 rounds. Good recipients are Comanche, any Super, GMNinja, Tack Zone, Carpet of Spikes, and Big Plane


Thanks for making Striker Jones presentable. This is such a fun tower. I think people do not know he can even pop blacks at level 5.


I think it’s important to say to keep your strats varied to keep the blackbordering journey as enjoyable as possible. I like to switch up my strats often just for the sake of it, so don’t feel pressured to use the “meta” strats every time. Still fun to do something busted now and then tho ;)


Mermonkeys are an incredible new tower to use with Sauda, an X-X-4 (later 5) mermonkey basically turns the echo into a resort donut, just for Sauda, and even supports her further with a little more range and faster CDs, also I'm sure plenty of people have done it already but it's also completely busted with Glaive Lord


Maybe it's just me, but having a visual feedback to what you just said is helping a LOT.
If you throw "0-2-4 ninja on tje entrance" I can't grasp it that quick. Annotate the video and add the "0-2-4 ninja" as a quick text on screen OR
after upgrading during your gameplay, leave the menu open for juuust a second longer so one can actually see the upgrades.


Lol relatively new to btd6 and I’ve been watching your vids, keep up the good work 😁👍


This is a great strat for popping the MOBEs


Testing these strategies helped me learn a lot. Just beat my first ever CHIMPS map with my own strategy. Was an easy map, but still. Progress!


One of my favorites is adora+ninja+alch. As both the ninja and Adora have multiple projectiles they benefit from alch so much.


For the first strategy, another option besides the Apache is a bloon exclusion zone. It's more expensive and needs mib, but it outputs a lot more damage and pushes back caramics.


Even though I've already black bordered every beginner and intermediate map alongside more than half of the advanced/expert maps using my own strategies, I will watch this video with undivided attention.


One of my favourite strategies is Comanche + Glue Storm. (Bonus if you have Geraldo who just makes Comanche insane with sharpening stone.)
Comanche Defense even without the bug leads up to Comanche Commander which can pretty much deal with every single lane map with a Glue Storm.
If you wonder about Alchemist or Overclock not affecting the mini helis, that's where Glue Storm comes in as its +2 damage on anything is a proper buff to allow Comanche to destroy the 90s and is an MIB skip due to getting rid of the lead property on DDTs.
Geraldo makes this strategy even more insane as sharpening stone gives Comanche insane pierce and when combined with Comanche, allows it to survive even on multi lane maps if you have one side being stalled out by your average CHIMPS support towers. I heard it's apparently the version 41.0 record for LCC on Bloody Puddles but take that with a grain of salt since I've only seen some skilled players talk about it.


Did anyone else notice NK gave Obyn a buff? He grants nearby Druids camo detection when he reaches level 8. No 020 Village needed anymore but you can still use it for 202
