Beehives, Songs, & a Little Beach Shack

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Welcome back, y'all! Glad you all are with us today! Hope you all are having a blessed day and staying safe. Today, we answer more of your questions! Keep those questions coming!
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As an old time fan, I miss Elvis. I cant imagine how you all feel about how unfair things went. We know that Elvis loved Billy & always wanted him close. Your family should have never had to struggle for anything & if Elvis lived things would be different & us ole fans know it. Bless You all.


I love the way Billy and Jo dit do close together! The Love is still going strong and it's wonderful to see!❤️❤️❤️


I think it's so wonderful that Laney has her great grandparents. All mine have passed and some of my grandparents passed before I was born. Thanks for the stories yall!


QUESTION: Who (besides family) in the Memphis Mafia seemed to take Elvis's passing the hardest? Did anyone seem surprisingly indifferent? Who seemed to change the most, (personality wise), in the Memphis Mafia, after Elvis passed away? How did Vernon change, if any, after his son passed? I know these questions are of a sensitive nature, so if you don't feel comfortable answering, it's completely understandable.


I finally made it to Graceland! John, who gave us the tour, had so much information it was hard to take it all in. It would have been nice if we could have taken more time in each room, but I was really happy that he mentioned Billy and Jo a few times and pointed out where you had lived. He said, "they're really good people."
Love watching these videos and would love to be at one of your events.
Could Billy talk about his band, and if Elvis ever saw them perform? Thanks.


Billy is so funny. He’s very quick witted and has tremendous recall. Lainey is turning into a beautiful young lady from a cute kid. A few years ago I did my DNA with 23 & me and Ancestry Both companies told me I am either Elvis’s 7th or 9th cousin. My dad’s family came from Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi. I wrote to them to ask how can they say this without a sample from Elvis. I was told that they are able to do this from samples from Elvis’s living blood relatives who sent their own samples to Ancestry and 23 & Me.


Love to hear your stories about you guys and the past with Elvis❤


I enjoy listening to them I wish they would go a little longer with questions..but I still enjoy what little time they give we all .


Hi Danielle jo and billy have a bless Sunday and a great memorial day love hearing all your stories about elvis and your life with him great channel


Love watching ur videos, it’s so nice to know the personal side of Elvis, and how He seemed just like a regular down to earth person.,


Good Morning Danielle, Jo & Billy - wishing you a very blessed Sunday and hope you're enjoying this Memorial Day weekend! Loved the questions & answers as always !! Always great to start a Sunday seeing my favorite family! Enjoy the weekend and be safe as always ! TCB & TLC always my dear friends! Love ya all - Charlie


I remember the beehive hairdos! I'm a fellow YouTuber, and I was raised in Whitehaven and Southaven. But have lived in Missouri since getting out of the Army. I would appreciate it if y'all would keep my oldest daughter Jessica and her family in your prayers. They live in Arkansas and a tornado went through their area last Saturday and it destroyed their home. Three huge trees fell on and into their house. It will be a total loss because of structural damage, praise the Lord they were not home. A beam from


Thanks for sharing, Ali, is still the greatest of of time...



Praying for you Billy ! I love listening to Billy and Jo’s memories.


Hello Billy, Jo and Danielle, Thank you for the video I love Elvis and Love Your channel. Jean from Hollywood California


Hello to all the Smith family, I enjoyed today's video as always, lovely seeing you all. Grace and Alain from Canada ❤❤❤


Hi Billy, Jo & Danielle- question for Billy: you mentioned a while ago Elvis had no desire to take Pricilla back ... so would it be safe to say Elvis no longer loved Pricilla? Thanks


Great video! That was funny when she came in saying todays sponsor is me interrupting. I usually dread sponsors but that was funny 😂


Thank you everyone. Danielle I’m with you, don’t like snakes even footage gives me the shivers. But an interesting fact that I’m sure Elvis would have been interested in Australia is the home of 21 of the top 25 venomous snakes in the world. I’m pleased to inform you that they don’t all live in the same areas. Most are fine if you don’t disturb them. Have a good week


What movie role, scene, or concert footage best showed Elvis' real-life personality?
