Are We Killing Architecture with Minimalism?

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Venture into the realm of architectural evolution and observe the seismic shift from ornate grandeur to stark simplicity. Are we witnessing the death of intricate details or the birth of an entirely new perspective? Immerse yourself in the captivating tale of two eras: the awe-inspiring time of La Sagrada Familia, Palace of Versailles, and Notre Dame de Paris, juxtaposed against the stark beauty of Wall-Less House in Japan and the Neundorf House in Spain.

Dive into the world of logos, brands, and how minimalism has taken the center stage. Why are companies shedding intricate patterns for simplified designs? Is it the charm of the digital age or the need to stand out amidst an overload of visual stimuli?
Witness the monumental shift from the sensual charm of Art Nouveau to the raw appeal of Brutalism. What has brought about such transformation, and where does it leave our architectural heritage?

Unravel these mysteries as you journey across the architectural timeline. Along the way, you'll get to marvel at the wonder of Antoni Gaudi's La Sagrada Familia, to the ultra-modern, somewhat alien-esque design of the Sunset Chapel in Acapulco.
Does the death of details signify the end, or is it the dawn of a new design era more suited to modern needs? Will we see a revival of ornate embellishments in the future, or is simplicity here to stay?

Рекомендации по теме

And you killed not only "Architecture" but also "training to be an architect"...
And this is not minimalism, this is primitivism!


Modern architecture is disgusting and needs to be demonlished


I disagree heavily with end of this video. everybody hates modern architecture as it stands. ornamentation definetly has a place in architecture, it has cultural value and breaks down the facade visually and makes it more pleasing to the eye. im not saying we should go completley back to old architecture but that new architecture is simply unfit for purpose, 1 size fits all for a planet that still contains with in it diffferent cultures that deserve structures fit for them, not a corparations idea of the cost effective


Hearing that a church was designed by a firm is utterly soul crushing to me


As a society we must collaborate and create some beauty into our architecture. They did it in the past, we can today as well.


Classical architectural beauty died in 1900


There is already a movement toward more traditional architecture. Perhaps the pendulum is swinging the other way?


“Plagued” with ornaments and details. Tell me you’re biased without telling me you’re biased.


If you criticize that we do not build like in the 16 century and you are against simplicity, but at the same time you don't dress like in the 16 century and instead you use jeans and a T-shirt, you are a hypocrite.
