Is conscription the answer to the ADF's low recruitment numbers? | Sunrise

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Sunrise is joined by the host of the Triple M Nightshift Luke Bona and commentator Cath Webber to discuss national security concerns following the ADF’s recruitment shortfall as well as Kmart’s push to end smoking breaks.

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The answer is simple. Restore pride in Australia. It’s not hard to figure out the problem. If people have pride in the country, they will serve.


Let’s start with the sons and daughters of politicians aged between 18 and 32 for the first intake no excuses to demonstrate how wonderful the idea is. The second intake can be all people whose parents have over 200 million in assets.
Once these people have been inducted then perhaps we could have a study of what they all think about national service.


Who wants to join the army for a country that they can’t relate to and doesn’t want them


No to conscription, it's simple. Stop trying to make this a conversation point for the country.

We realised it's wrong an ineffective during Vietnam and we didn't have a problem with Military numbers until the ruling class decided to destroy Australia, no one should die for millionaires and billionaires, this country doesn't serve those who it would conscript.

I am saying this as a former soldier in the Australian Army.


I did 23 years in the RAAF, primarily dealing with explosives, there is no way I would work with someone forced to be there.
I helped a guy leave prior to his 4 year "contract", as he was lied to by recruiting and didn't want to be there and we didn't want him there disgruntled and angry. He was told "we're not recruiting that trade right now, so just join as a different [critical] trade and transfer once you're in" but of course his transfer got denied cos he was a critical trade now.


How about instead of conscription....we have a referendum for free speech, the right to defend free speech and castle doctrine....give aussies their property rights and maybe more will sign up to defend the nation


Back in the sixties my friend got called up and left his bloodied body in Vietnam - no thanks - why fight wars that have nothing to do with us.


You can’t even celebrate Australian day and be proud of the Australian flag!!!! How the hell you want someone to go to the IDF and feel proud of protect the country 🥹


What if they Started a War and No One Went !


Its no different to the state and federal Police .. no one wants to be a part of Australians against Australians ..thats all that will happen ..


Australian defence force should lower medical standards and lower criminal records requirements
United States military has a offer for convicted criminals on certain charges join the military or go jail

Make a difference if Australian defence force had a program like GAP but with young offenders in remote locations to offer that trade course like skilltech for expample they could go to remote indigenous communities an do construction with adf tradies
where they remodelled attitudes to obey authority an law an learn basic rifleman skills survival an trades an when they get relocated to mainstream they will have constant engagement programs an course will building friendships with adf soliders


3 years of conscription for immigrants


Conscription should never have been abolished


Listen to this feminist dibble it makes you sick .


no.. i was refused a job at the ADF due to adhd..


There are a lot of former ADF personnel who would welcome a recall. Experience and devotion are much better than mere compliance you would get from conscripts alone. I think it should be a mix of conscription and reactivation.


Give the people the right to bare arms and lessen the gun laws if conscription doesn't work....


No, it's not the answer for the ADF. Restore pride in our nation, get rid of any DEI quotas, give service personnel decent pay & treat them like assets during their service and once they leave. Don't abandon them like second-class citizens and make them beg for any recognition & help like all too many of our Governments have done in the past.


Non of the current service men & women don’t want to be stuck working with people who don’t want to be there


Conscription in Australia won't work in the 21st century. You can not force the young generation these days to have pride in their country and themselves and want to defend it. What are the incentives to voluntarily join the military? Other than, if you don't defend your country, you lose it? Indigenous Australians know that. Such a multicultural society with different heritages. It's easier to herd cats 😮
