Nightcore – Walpurgisnacht (Lyrics + Translation)
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Requested by SithLordFighter.
►Song: Walpurgisnacht
►Artist: Faun
▼ Support the original artist here! ▼
der Abendhimmel = the evening / night sky
steigen = to rise
heute Nacht = tonight
der Zauberweise = the magic sage
wild = wild
das Volk = the folk
die Art = the kind
lauernd = lurking
der Wind = the wind
heimlich = secretly
die Fahrt = the ride
lasst uns = let us
streifen = to wander
das Feuer = the fire
raunend = murmuringly
nach etwas greifen = to reach for something
der Stern = the star
gut = good
böse = bad, evil
das Wort = the word
und = and
die Weide = the willow
ungestürm = impetously
folgen = to follow
der Reigen = the round dance
der Traum = the dream
klingen = to resonate
singen = to sing
der Funke = the spark
über etwas springen = to jump over something
die Walpurgisnacht = the Walpurgis Night
hören = to hear
die Geige = the violin
etwas entfachen = to kindle something
beitreten = to join
frei = free
der Zauber = the magic
nur = only
einmal = once
der Kreis = the circle
groß = big
auf jene Weise = in that way
das Morgenlicht = the morning light
das Traumgewebe = the dreamy web
brechen = to break
►Song: Walpurgisnacht
►Artist: Faun
▼ Support the original artist here! ▼
der Abendhimmel = the evening / night sky
steigen = to rise
heute Nacht = tonight
der Zauberweise = the magic sage
wild = wild
das Volk = the folk
die Art = the kind
lauernd = lurking
der Wind = the wind
heimlich = secretly
die Fahrt = the ride
lasst uns = let us
streifen = to wander
das Feuer = the fire
raunend = murmuringly
nach etwas greifen = to reach for something
der Stern = the star
gut = good
böse = bad, evil
das Wort = the word
und = and
die Weide = the willow
ungestürm = impetously
folgen = to follow
der Reigen = the round dance
der Traum = the dream
klingen = to resonate
singen = to sing
der Funke = the spark
über etwas springen = to jump over something
die Walpurgisnacht = the Walpurgis Night
hören = to hear
die Geige = the violin
etwas entfachen = to kindle something
beitreten = to join
frei = free
der Zauber = the magic
nur = only
einmal = once
der Kreis = the circle
groß = big
auf jene Weise = in that way
das Morgenlicht = the morning light
das Traumgewebe = the dreamy web
brechen = to break