NEVER Test The INFJ (Or This Will Happen)

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NEVER Test The INFJ (Or This Will Happen) | Empathetic and kind hearted by nature, most people with the rarest INFJ personality type prefer to keep the peace rather than make a ruckus. However, you still should never test the infj, because like every human, the unique infj type has their own way of dealing with being pushed to their limit.

In fact, most INFJ empaths are equipped to mirror other's negative emotions in order to teach them a lesson - a clear sign of the infj heyoka empath. So, what INFJ traits and habits give them these defense mechanisms and how do does this advocate type react to being tested?

#INFJ #INFJpersonalitytype #rarestpersonalitytype


👉 10 Weird Things That INFJs Do That People Don't Realize

👉 INFJ Vs. INFP | The World's Rarest Personality Types

👉 10 Signs You're An INFJ Heyoka Empath (The Rarest, and Most Powerful Empath)






00:00 - Intro
00:46 - Number 1: They will remove the power from the situation
01:52 - Number 2: They’ll find your weakness
02:49 - Number 3: They may unexpectedly lash out
03:42 - Number 4: They will demonstrate their silent treatment expertise
04:45 - Number 5: They instantly revoke their INFJ benefits
05:42 - Number 6: They will use doubts to fuel their passions
06:38 - Number 7: They’ll refuse to care
07:30 - Number 8: They will humbly prove your wrong
08:22 - Number 9: They instantly crush ego
09:24 - Comment Question


All Audio & Video Production by PSYCH-O

Disclaimer: PSYCH-O is a theory channel. The contents of this video are based on theory research and was NOT created using professional advice. The contents in this video and all of PSYCH-O videos are under United States state law for Fair Use. The video is edited for entertainment and informative purposes.

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I sit back and let them think they are winning and in all reality I am because I know that through being humble I am powerful. This is a gift not a curse. I am so thankful I was made this way because I will and do strive for my goals despite what people think of me. I am an overcomer and an over achiever in the light of who I am as a person a a whole. I am satisfied with myself today despite what others think of me. I am fully capable! 😁


Many narcissists think they're INFJ, until a real INFJ obliterates them 😆


I always sit back and quietly watch the people who pretend to know everything make a fool out of themselves before I show what I have got..they get so embarrassed


My greatest problem is that subconsciously, I hold everyone with the same ideals and standards that I hold for myself.


All true but when I’m done, I’m done. I can disappear forever in a snap and never turn around. People usually think I will or might come back or anything but no, not me. Once I’m gone I’m gone for good. It’s not pride, it’s sanity. Simple.


The ability to keep information secret or never tell anyone secrets.


I have the gift of ignoring a person who has done something wronged to me. I see them as invisible and won't waste words or time on them.


If you want power and respect, an infj will usually allow you the opportunity to earn it. Dont try cheating because you wont get a second chance if you do


“..and testing them is a sure way to end your INFJ benefits.” 😂
Benefits card REVOKED.

I agree that the testing is super insulting and annoying. It makes me want to walk away and never look back. We operate in such genuineness and authenticity it is difficult to be tested and spied upon. It feels “offensive”.


People are always taking aback when they realize they've never had the power in the first place. Due to my humble, observative, kind nature. They even sometimes get really angry because I've proven to be way more than they first thought me to be. This video is everything. All true.


I walk away. I don't have time and energy for such junk. I don't "play games."


#1 is like a super power.
Finding the weaknesses in almost anything.
Policies, issues of debate, various subjects, rules, laws, status quo imbalances/imminent failures due to not rewarding others enough for their contributions, etc.

We are often dumbfounded why others can't see these things.
They seem to jump out to us and are as obvious to us as a neon light in the darkness.
I find myself thinking about this quite a lot.


I hate to be tested and turn that test into exactly what that person is least expecting. It's an insulting situation.


My first instinct to being tested is to draw back just a little and observe. I live my entire life by a "3 strike" system. If I feel like I'm being coerced or manipulated, I pull back my involvement in the scenario and start consciously watching for signs that it's intentional. Two is a coincidence, three is a pattern. If I notice it three times, my instinct is always first to stand my ground, second to logically explain my "why" without making about the other person, and if they press after that, then I gracefully tear down their intention and connect it to their own hypocrisy somehow. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I am an infj and this video helped me make sense of things I do without knowing I do them.
I was a big target for bullying in school.
I was a big target for manipulation by my narcissistic father in law.
I was ostracized from my family for being "weird".

Every single one of the points made was spot on perfect. My biggest asset to avoid being bullied was to turn the attention on the bully. What did they NEED more than anything to be true? What was their identity centered around? If they tried to hurt me, I'd use it to hurt their false identity which wasn't actually mean, it was honest. For example... one of the girls that bullied me really bullied me hard because I had big boobs and was skinny. Thing is, she talked about wanting big boobs all the time. So, when she'd draw everyone's attention to my boobs, I'd draw everyone's attention to her not having any and the reason for her picking on me being because she wanted what I had. She learned hard when she tried to get 30 other kids to join her in calling my cleavage "gross" and "distracting" and I straight up told her to "shut up; everyone here knows you'd be showing yours off if you had any"

The whole school started calling her "tintsy tits"

Karma is my best friend and always has been.


Well the silence treatment is a go to for me. When I get emotionally or mentally tired and done with someone, it becomes as easy as a switch for me. I simply flip it and shut down. I’ve been told I’m the scariest at this time…Personally, I do it because I can seriously hurt someone if I say something. It’s easier and safer for my mental stability to just shut down and cool my “cpu”. It does feel robotic. But sometimes that’s the safest route.


Having to deal with toxic people who INFJs can't completely cut off from their lives (co-workers and family) is the INFJs biggest problem. Given the opportunity, we would automatically cut them off from our lives completely. It's the quickest, easiest and most efficient solution to any toxic person. Since we can't do that to some people (co-worker, boss, family, etc) we have to resort to simply pretending they don't exist and limiting interaction to when it's absolutely no choice. So it's not "The Silent Treatment", it's "this is the closest to ghosting I can do and am simply tolerating the seconds until I can escape".


When I am being tested, I like to just stare at the person and say nothing. After a few minutes, I usually walk away from them. I already know what their weak spots are, so when the time is right whatever they were testing me on, I will bring up the subject, state the facts about it and throw in the points I knew that they didn't know, and tell them I know they didn't know. And because they have tested me and therefore annoyed me when I tell them what I know I make sure I do it in front of a group of people so that they are embarrassed. This has a dual purpose, it creates a situation where there is no further interaction with that person and it warns the other people present not to test me.


"Great target for narcissists. " Makes more sense than I ever realized, knew so many of them from the last twenty years that it turned quite useful in a situation I was involved with for the last two years.


Even before I knew I was INFJ the way I have always said it is this. "Back me into a corner and I'll come out swinging." That doesn't mean that I am literally violent. What it means is that I will take so much and then it's over. Beyond a certain point I will not be pushed.


It depends on what they’ve done to me. If it’s a small transgression the response is small. If it’s something unforgivable I like to go with first using every nasty thing I’ve observed about them which I will either point out verbally in a list or physically in a letter, and believe me when I say nasty. Then they get the “door slam”. Sometimes literally in their faces.
The older I get the less tolerance I find I have for bullsh*t in my life too. I have more patience than most but once that patience is exhausted we are done.
