BJYX- When Yizhan wanted to kiss each other ! most romantic moments😘

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Most romantic moments.

#xiaozhan #bjyx
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I've seen WYB lean over like that many times. Every time he stares at XZ while XZ is talking to him, he seems to be in a trance. He doesn't even blink. XZ becomes a magnet at that moment.


I'm not a love guru but I know my eyes are not deceiving me. The way Wang Yibo looks at Xiao Zhang is not an ordinary gaze. Eyes are the windows of the soul and they dont lie. Words can lie but but your eyes and soul cannot.
I donno if they are still in talking terms or not. Physical separation is NOTHING because their souls have already merged as one, their souls acknowledge and recognize each other. and this type of soul union surpasses all that is worldly and transcient.


I had never seen that hand kiss not kiss on the hand but kissing his hand to touch his gg's back. My mind is blown and my serotonin levels are exploding. wow yep yizhan is so real. I wish them the best.


It's cute and sad at the same time that little kiss on the hand and pat on the back, if they truly want to be together they should be able to do it openly like the rest of the people


Os sentimentos de Yibo são intensos, tudo que ele faz é com muita intensidade e emoção, até o menor gesto.


the kiss and pat on the back, gg may not even know it🥰🥰🥰


He definitely had crush on xiao zhan🤣 friends don’t look at each others like that


They are so loving and romantic with each other, two lovebirds🦁🐰💚❤️😍🥰 I miss them so much and every precious and special moment they spent together💚❤️😭😔 the hearts of all turtles feel happy to see their moments but also sad to know that we don't see them together anymore, this is very painful, they deserve all the best, all support and love, they are the most romantic and sweetest couple, the definition of true love, Yibo's gazes at Zhan Zhan are so intense, he practically didn't even blink when he looked at him, I think while Zhan Zhan was talking Yibo wasn't fully paying attention to his words, but admiring and almost devouring him with his eyes, He wanted to kiss his Zhan Zhan, but as they were in a fan meeting he couldn't, but even so you can see from his eyes and his face his actions that he wanted to kiss Zhan Zhan, they got closer to each other and in this moment i really feel like they are going to kiss, Yibo's intense eyes have lots of feelings of love affection all the romantic feelings are in his gazes, i got goosebumps seeing his gazes, i've seen his intense gazes before, but this time they are much more intense they are capable of melting an iceberg, He was totally admiring and devouring his Zhan Zhan with his eyes, lost in his world, It's as cute as baby bunny kiss baby lion, they are very handsome together, the kisses they both sent each other reach their hearts, they are always in their world when they were together, Yes it was fully visible to all of us what Yibo did at that moment, in part 0:45 he puts his hand in his mouth and then when he takes it out he sends a kiss to his Zhan Zhan with his hand and puts it on his Zhan Zhan's back, I like so much how Yibo is not afraid is fearless and always show everyone your love, BoBo you like so much to touch this area of ​​your Zhan Zhan with your sword huh😊 Zhan Zhan's face seeing Yibo touching him there is so funny, he takes Yibo's sword and his face is like: what are you is making me touching here and still in front of the staff and the camera😂😂 Yibo pulls his Zhan Zhan so hard while filming the scene, and why did I feel like he wasn't just acting, the looks after that they give left my heart on fire from being so strong and sweet, they look at each other as if their gazes crosed through each other's souls and went to their hearts, The final part I'm really dead, Yibo is the best, the way he licks his tongue looking at his Zhan Zhan and then smiling like that says everything he's thinking, and if you see his hand on the table is very tight in his fist, which indicates that he is controlling himself, I imagine not to lose his control☺️ Lay don't Control's song fits well with these moments where Yibo seems to lose his control, (Don't think much, simply hug me like this at midnight you belong to me baby no need to surrender your heat
Iwant to confront and respond using our lips
Your hair wrapped around your ear
Baby your eyes can't avoid me, they tell me you want me to kiss your forehead you want me to kiss your hand not to be awaken from this dream not to leave the tenderness after dawn, Your helplessness and indifference filled with desire and tremble a lonely sigh merging like ten fingers closely interlaced
Love is so absurd, understand even when you lie
You do it
How to do it don't understand how should end this
Oh baby no no baby no no
But always Lose control always Lose control
Baby I give up resisting let the wildness be released you want it, I take the liberty and perform my advances of Lose control, Holding your hand, you raise your head pushing a button after throwing away all the emotions giving up the tenderness you want me to kiss your forehead but I want to kiss your hand you'll be intoxicated in this world after the dawn, Feeling the frequency of the breaths tell me that everything is still continuing
I close my eyes and feel the shape of this romantic atmosphere you say that you dont want me to leave, I am not going out too
You do it
How to do it
I don't understand how should end this
Oh baby no no baby no no
But always Lose control always Lose control
Baby I give up resisting, let the wildness be released you want it, I take the liberty and perform my advances of Lose
Control, Me and you, we breath together whether this is a dream or an illusion it's uncertain the mystery of that smile, the secret of that eternity you can't explain them
Oh baby no no baby no no
But always Lose control always Lose control
Baby I give up resisting. let the wildness be released you want it, I take the liberty and perform my advances of Lose control, Oh baby no no baby no no
But always Lose control always Lose control
Baby I give up resisting, let the wildness be released you want it, I take the liberty and perform my advances of Lose control, Yizhan is the most praiseworthy and admirable couple in the world💚❤️💛


Yibo é a melhor definição de "coração nos olhos"!


Wang Yibo has set his eyes on Xiao Zhan as if nothing else matters. He's the center of his universe.🥰


he didn't even bother to blink 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


YiZhan will always be together forever 💯✅❤️💚


Good luck Siao Zhan and Wang Yibo wishing you the best in your life.


The Real soulmate Yizhan 💖🐇🦁🐢💖💖💖 they are made for each other 😆😆💖💖💖


Que tierno esta yibo, se besa la mano, y se la pone a su amado, si hay algo que no se puede negar, es las ganas que el le tenia a Xiao zhan 🥰🥰🥰


I really don’t wanna ship these 2 but the way they stare at each other idk man. Seems like they’re more than just good friends seems like there is feelings involve anyways they’re both super handsome would make a great couple ❤❤


I am totally addicted by this two beautiful person!! U always make my day


Hope they will happy always, and everything work fine and smooth as they like / wish..🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Omg. I'm loving this. So cute. Thanks for sharing. Hope to see more.loving them .💞. Sending love from CANADA 🇨🇦.


* that was so greatest moment of 💙 becomes huge meaning until it's make such romantic never remembrance
love from 🇲🇾
thanks 💛💛.. ....*
